Family shunning

by LunaFing 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • MissingLink

    Welcome LunaFing.

    I think your family is thinking some good ole-fashioned punishing otta set you straight. Ask them if that was the sort of thing Jesus did.

    JTs link above is a good one to show the parents from the society's official website that they're being naughty.

  • willdabeerman

    Welcome to the site first off. Secondly, just about everyone else here has a shunning story so we know whats up. I was forced to give up my family because of that decrepit cult. I hope you get to keep yours.

  • strawberry cake
    strawberry cake

    Who would think that this seemingly innocent organization could be so evil. To tear apart families the way it does and in the name of God.

    I hope your mum is making empty threats and ultimately will not follow through.

    I am now , recently started experiencing this spiteful shunning from 'friends'in the org, because I openly said I don't agree with the WTS.This is what happens when you are honest with them.

    It seems we have to play a strategic game...One elder(off the record) said to me, I should not have said I don't believe. I should have said I don't understand, that would have kept them from shunning me. He was telling me to bend the truth.

    Stay strong you're not alone.

    xxx Strawberry Cake.

  • oompa

    Sorry is sooo unfair. You will just have to figure out how to let those who would shun you go, and empower yourself with the use of your freedom to move on. I am not df or da but inactive almost two years now, and am so shunned by pretty good old friends, but not family yet. I just changed my cell phone plan from 3000 minutes, to 1000....I hardly hit 600 now.......................oompa

  • real one
    real one

    I hope you do believe in God but realize this religion is false. Study the Bible but not the nwt read the book of Romans and psalms 91 to start. i hope that God grants you His peace and His mercy as you go through this trial. It is going to be hard but if you continue to have faith in Him you will sail through it. God Bless You!

  • Deidra

    Good luck. Make your decision and stick with it through thick and thin. Otherwise, you will continue to be confused for the rest of your life. I agree, this religion is so unfair and hurtful. However, relish in your freedom and try to focus on the positive in your life. If you feel you don't have any positives right now, make some positives. Cherish life. Whenever I feel sad about losing my family, I remind myself how blessed I am that I'm not one of them. I'm happy; they're controlled in every aspect of their life. I'm just thankful that I'm able to live life and am no longer living a meaningless and depressing life.

  • LouBelle

    Hi LunaFing - welcome to the board. Shunning - the most unloving thing invented by a religion in order to keep the members in check. Family ties are strong but they have the control when the know they can still break that bond. Are you baptised? Because if you aren't then even according to them you can't be shunned really. Just keep reassuring your mom how much you love her and that the christian way is love - love - love

    strength to you.

  • Deidra

    I wanted to add that I turned the tables on the shunning issue. I got so tired of living with the shunning thing lurking over my head. The possibility of my family shunning me made my life hard to live to the fullest. So, I shun them. To protect myself and my husband and daughter, I don't have anything to do with them. This may seem harsh or "tit for tat," but I rather shun them then to be shunned. They are aware that I want nothing to do with them and their unconditional love. There are no conditions on love and I'm not going to deal with it anymore, not that they care. It just feels good to be the one in the driver's seat.

  • Finally-Free
    I think this practice of zero tolerance for anyone who isn't a witness is mean and hurtful.

    Yes, and I believe the best way to deal with a zero tolerance policy is to adopt one too. JWs need to learn the shunning game can, and should work both ways. They should suffer consequences too, not only you. Never compromise with someone who is unwilling to meet you half way. If they can shun you for leaving an abusive cult, than you have an equal right to shun them for belonging to it.

    It happens too often that JWs will shun a family member, but stop shunning when it's convenient for them, such as when they need money or some other favour. Once they extract what they want the shunning resumes. Never put up with that crap!

    Welcome to the board.


  • ibme

    Welcome LunaFing,

    The WBTS has based their beliefs on the idea that they have been given special education from a higher being. (Nothing new, all other religious organizations do the same)

    Me would like to say, “Rewards and punishment are the lowest form of education”.

    That is the bottom line, reward and punishment, (sticks and carrots) with this shunning by the WBTS.

    They use this method to keep their subjects in line with their approach to education. There was a news article this week that talked about religion in the U.S. It said that only 37% of the young people raised as witnesses remain such. It’s clear that sticks and carrots aren’t working.

    The highest form of education is LOVE.

    Shunning is NOT love.

    Me thinks’ me not need say anything more.


    P.S. LunaFing, there is something that has always stayed by me. It could have been written on a stone in my back yard by my next door neighbor. But is it written in 1 Corinthians 13: 1-13.

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