"...it's only a half hour"

by Dagney 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • momzcrazy

    Flask is a good idea. I carry one with me at all times. Beautiful silver flask engraved and filled with Crown Royal.


  • nomoreguilt

    It's admirable that you care so dearly for a true friend. I have posted before that a TRUE friend is hard to find. Perhaps one day your friend will have an open mind and heart and be receptive to your reasons for not being an active participent with him .

    My best friend is like me. No desire to attend any more, and to take it a step further, doesn't even want to be a member on this forum. Some folks got bit really hard by the dubs. So sad for them.

    You are truly a friend to attend his talk. Endure it, for him, but maintain your senses.


  • BFD

    Dagney, I think it is great that you are such a good friend to go and see your friend's talk. I'm just wondering if the shoe were on the other foot if he would do the same for you?

    Let's say you found the love of your life and were going to get married in a church. Do you think he would attend the ceremony?

    You know I love you but, I think that showing this kind of support to your friend is not really helping him.

    My 2 cents.


  • Dagney

    Momz, you're our kinda gal...flasks and all. I have several but always forget to use them. But my best friend has a "leopard" one she carries all the time. I'm not sure she drinks out of it...but she looks cool carrying it! LOL. Actually, I think I bought this brother who is giving the talk a Rolling Stonges "tongue" flask. (And vintage Playboy stirrers for his bar...again now that I think about it...lol)

    Thanks nmg, for your kind words. I won't be moving from the "dark side" any time soon!

    BFD, how are you? Actually, I told this friend when I get married there will be no "director of the feast." There will be drinking, and congo lines, toasts and everyone singing "That's Amore." They will still come...lol. Thank you for your kind words. Several who are coming to this talk have been treated badly by this hall. He likes to show them that he is a loyal friend to us...he loves that stuff.

    **sigh**, the things we go through.

  • momzcrazy

    My flask is pretty silver, engraved with Jack Daniels logo. It was a gift from Gretchen Wilson. It goes everywhere I do.

    I have three kids, you see.


  • Dagney

    My flask is pretty silver, engraved with Jack Daniels logo. It was a gift from Gretchen Wilson. It goes everywhere I do.

    I have three kids, you see.

    LOL. Very very cool.

    I'm sure the kids might appreciate the flask as much as you do...taking the edge off and all.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Just think of something else......friends/family are precious and sometimes we make sacrifices.

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