Should I send a letter to the CO?

by Sirona 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • RunningMan

    I would send the letter as is. It is nicely written, concise, and hits all
    the important points.

    It will probably not change anything, but it's one more chink in his armor.
    If he gets enough of them, he may realize something.

  • serenaj92

    I agree with changing the wording to I know instead of I feel. If he is a sexist this will just piss him off. Women tend to put emotion into their words and men aren't like that. Reaching him on a manly level may move him more or respect you more.

    If you don't put your name on it, he can't use it against you and you would be speaking for all who don't write that may have had the same experience. Your mom may be upset that you took action and without your name on it, she might even see it as someone wrote on your behalf instead of a personal dig.
    Ask a professional businessman how he would complain about a business to get action. That could also benefit you.
    I'm green at this and just throwing out ideas here. I don't intend for you to use all this advise. I'm sure you are an intelligent thinking individual and you have to do whatever helps you find closure in this. My prayers are with you.

  • JT

    Joy2befree says:

    This man in NOT interested in any truth but promoting the wbts. How will the letter effect your standing (inactive) in the cong? Will it begin a process you are ready for? Is the letter really going to help your mother see what is real about the jws or put a further rife between you two? What do you hope to gain? the man (he will lie to promote the wbts) or really reach your mother. Drop the issue and start on another subject that may get her questioning things. 2 cents. j2bf

    excellent post and it is on the money- you have addressed all the issues that this post needs to consider-

    james excellent advice

  • bj


    Well done. If you don't know his address, why don't you send it to the Local Branch Officee (c/o: Mr... Circuit Overseer).


  • JT

    Sirona says:

    What do you think?

    excellent Question and i would like to commend you so much sister for taking the time to ASK. this is the power of the net- it helps us to sort things out in the best manner- i'm sure that the CO Pi$$ed you off, but many times it is very important for cooler heads to operate.

    Your letter is literally on the money everything that you have pointed out is correct and would make the avg person think and reconsider, but you need to keep in mind the indoctrination process that jw undergo-

    while your letter is factually correct- i will point out to you the reasons it will be "probably" be rejected

    1. You are a sister/woman couseling a man and not just a man but a CO

    2, you are "inactive" which according to his training tells him you are Spirtually weak to start with- so you are not in any postion to question him

    3. you have recieved your information off the NET and not directly from the FDS- while i have spoken to many who will even acknowledge things thier view is WE WILL WAIT TILL THE ORG INFORMS US

    A perfect example is the convention releases they jw mindset has been conditioned so much that if you came back from an early convention and was walking around the hall showing the new releasew THINK ABOUT IT WHAT WOULD BE THE BASIc attitude of most in the congo

    she is rushing ahead- we are suppose to get our food at the PROPER TIME
    AND OUR CONVENITION AIN'T TILL NEXT WEEK so this ain't the proper time-

    one of the first things my wife and i did when we left was to read as much as we could on High control groups to see

    well i encourage you to read as much as you can on the subject- this way - you and so many others will not waste your time trying to help a jw like the CO TO SEE- NOT THAT they can't be helped, but under the circumstances that you are coming from the deaf ear is almost a sure thing

    if you think that there is hell in your moms home and your all relationship now - send that letter in

    i used to be a Society Man and for most jw and esp sister they have no idea of how the rules will swallow them whole-

    you see the moment he gets that letter -IF HE IS A SOCIETY MAN his brain due to his training will kick in gear and he will realize that you ARE OR HAVE APOSTSTE LEANINGS and now you are GANGREEN-

    he will notify the elders who will inform him that YOU ARE SPIRITUALLY WEAK and he will let them know that you POSE A SERIOUS THREAT TO THE HEALTH OF THE CONGo AND
    at that point the wheels will be set in motion--

    i only hope that you are prepared for what is to follow- in my exp most are not and it hits them like a ton of bricks

    the elders will pull your mom to the side privately and they will set in motion a plan to either help you- (which means you returning to the org- or getting you out since you pose a threat)

    it is not the fault of the elders themselves per say they are merely part of a system that operates that way

    I always try to help women since the org keeps you all in the dark as to how things are really done and i have seen sisters get "Pimp Slapped" the most by the org thru it's elders, co , do arrangement

    i would like to ask would you read these links before you send your letter?


  • battman

    Question to all

    Would it be beneficial to send the letter
    "Return Receipt Requested" ?

    This might negate your autonomy but it
    would assure you (us) that he can't lie
    again and say he didn't receive it. In
    either event he may not read it and may
    certainly not act on it. However he will
    know that you know that he did receive it.

    Your letter seemed very well written and
    also very good input from our fellow posters.
    Also liked the idea of sending copies to all.
    For every seed planted a few will bear fruit.



  • ISP

    Sirona...its a good letter. I would send it to the CO and send a copy to the body of elders. Whereas the WTS will only selectively answer correspondance I expect that he will feel obliged to. It will be interesting to see how he responds.



  • JT

    ISP says:

    It will be interesting to see how he responds

    not to dog this poster but this makes my point- the avg jw has not idea of what the rules are for Society Men and by not knowing the rules many folks get hurt needlessly-

    he will respond in the manner in which he was trained

    1. contact the body of elders

    2. be informed by the elders that she is a weak sister

    3, they may even kick around the idea of calling her a Jezebel type sister

    4. he will not write her back after finding out she is weak= it will be a matter for the local elders to address and he will sit in the wings waiting for thier response as to her attitude

    the idea that somehow he will sit down to go over point for point to see what concerns and weighs heavy on her heart and mind is a joke

    there are those who do, but they are on their way out as well

    my point is the normal response is often swift and harsh

    you can be sick for 2 years and no one stops by to see you no elder no co , but the moment there is possible wrong doing they are JOHNNY ON THE SPOT


    i just hope that this dear sister understands what she is up against in terms of family and mental pain-

    we all can do as we please- but i feel that today with the net folks have the neeeded tools to work with- they just got to use the tools that are here

  • Pureheart

    Hello Serena,
    I agree with JT.


  • bluesapphire

    Sirona, I think the best way to get this CO right where it hurts is by targeting his WIFE!

    Next time he comes to town, have all the photocopies readily available. Go to the meeting for service and find some way to sneak the info into her book-bag. One day she comes across it and secretly reads it.

    Wouldn't it be great if HIW OWN WIFE becomes an apostate. What a slap in the face to him that he couldn't even keep his wife in the borg.

    Fake it like you're coming back to the meetings and target the wife. With such an asshole for a husband, she's probably looking for a way out anyways!

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