That evil feeling of satisfaction.........................

by Warlock 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee
    I understand your post, Warlock. There is something very satisfying when you see someone who richly deserves it get his due. You wonder if any of them have the humility to be sorry for the way they treated others, once they go through some tragedy themselves.

    Usually they don't. I've seen similar things, Warlock, and you get that little voice inside your head saying "so now you know what it's like to walk in the other person's shoes", but sadly, the lesson in humility is very rarely learned.

    And, not to hijack your thread, but welcome to jamiebowers. I looked over your posts and I didn't see anywhere where you have come off as being mean. Just the opposite in fact. Hope to hear more from you.


  • snowbird

    I've lost my computer service at home, so except for Saturdays when I can use the computer at our tiny library, I have to wait until Monday to log on at work.

    This thread rocks, Daddy Warlock.

    I know exactly what you mean, and I wouldn't call it an "evil feeling" at all. Smug, superior, judgmental people get what they deserve.

    For instance, the PO's wife works at the library. She tried to ignore me this past Saturday, but had to offer assistance when I walked right up to the counter and stared her down. I was going to report her rudeness and the reason for it to her boss as soon as Monday came. I think she knew this.

    Now get this, she's forgotten the kindness I showed to her when she tried to commit suicide because she got pregnant around the age of 15. Now that she's married to an up and coming elder, she thinks she's got it made. The WT does a fine job of making people act the fool. I want nothing more to do with them.


  • LongHairGal

    I don't think anybody is bad for feeling this way..especially about somebody who was arrogant or who got away with murder.

    The problem is when somebody is gloating because they are jealous of somebody. Then it is bad.


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