The Borg's Current Take On The King of the North

by Rapunzel 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Leolaia

    The Society still maintains that the "King of the North" in the postwar era was indeed the Soviet Union, and continues to teach that the "pushing" represented the Cold War. But the Society has now run out of verses that could be applied to future "changed identities" of the "King of the North", so they are reluctant to identify the new "King of the North" lest the political situation change and they have to identify a new one. This is the perspective in the current Daniel's Prophecy book:

    *** dp chap. 16 pp. 280-281 par. 21 The Contending Kings Near Their End ***

    With the disbanding of the Soviet Union in December 1991, the king of the north suffered a serious setback. Who will be this king when Daniel 11:44, 45 is fulfilled? Will he be identified with one of the countries that were part of the former Soviet Union? Or will he change identity completely, as he has done a number of times before? Will the development of nuclear weapons by additional nations result in a new arms race and have a bearing on the identity of that king? Only time will provide answers to these questions. We are wise not to speculate. When the king of the north embarks on his final campaign, the fulfillment of prophecy will be clearly discerned by all who have Bible-based insight.

    There have been unofficial suggestions that the new "King of the North" may be Islam, or the Islamic nations, or something like that, but nothing along these lines has been officially proposed.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    It is completely ridiculous.

    The entire saga of the king of the north and the king of the south.

    Complete and utter nonsense.


    The Oracle

  • stillajwexelder

    I do not believe there is anything official related to the society's definition of the king of the north.

    Actually Leolaia is correct - The Daniel Prophecy book 9s the current official teaching

  • watson

    The all powerful God Jehovah has given us all the hints we need to know. They are riddles, but that's ok. We have many wise men amongst us that will interpret these mysteries for us. FDS. Just humble yourself and submit!

  • watson

    The all powerful God Jehovah has given us all the hints we need to know. They are riddles, but that's ok. We have many wise men amongst us that will interpret these mysteries for us. FDS. Just humble yourself and submit!

  • watson

    The all powerful God Jehovah has given us all the hints we need to know. They are riddles, but that's ok. We have many wise men amongst us that will interpret these mysteries for us. FDS. Just humble yourself and submit!

  • watson

    3 times for emphasis!

  • oompa

    Based on the numbers here and origin of this site....I am pretty sure they think the King of the North is Good ol Canada...........oompa

  • OnTheWayOut

    The King of the North was the Soviet Union. Well, then obviously, the King of the North is
    Fidel Castro's Cuba, because he managed to extend the type of rulership from his
    puppet Soviet throne that the King of the North was known for.

    Excuse me, a bulletin is coming in... F. Castro relinquished his rule of Cuba.
    Well, then how will my prophecy fit? His brother- I don't think the members will buy that.

    Never mind.

    They wrote their prophecies wanting everyone to think the end was imminent, and as has
    been pointed out in the past, they change doctrines and everyone buys the new book to
    keep up with the new light. They will name a King of the North when they want to. It will
    be used as a tool to get rumors of how we are sooooooooooo close to the end of the last of
    the last days. I wouldn't be surprised if they name Islam or something in the middle east
    in a book soon.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    I have a feeling that it is not the USSR, but that whole region regardless of political affiliation. The E.U., Russia, Balkans....Even Serbia fits in as a part of the greater whole from my pov

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