by Velvetann 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gotchaby
    no licky or sucky the sweaty areas!!!

    So, how can it be fun?

    Bye, I'll go for now.

  • oompa

    I think yoga for exercise is ok or a conscience matter now.

    You can not keep a loaded gun in your home for "just in case" and you can not shoot an intruder if he is trying to rape your wife or daughter...I think you can cut his head off with a sword, or smash his brains out with baseball bat. It must be a lo-tech law....................oompa

  • 5thGeneration

    It's not a DFing offense for married couples but if a Brother engages in these 'extracurricular activities' with his wife and it becomes public knowledge then he would be viewed as not being irreprehensible and would be removed or withheld from serving in the congo.

    "Too bad, too bad!" says the horny Elder's wife.

  • sacolton

    You can't visit Rosy Palm and her five sisters either. "Deaden your body members."

  • Layla33
    ENYOY SEX!!!!! the society says it is only for the purpose of procreation. Why can't it just be fun?

    That rule is absolutely ridiculous and trust me, most don't follow it, it's insane that they even try to dictate that. Do they understand what an orgasm is in the first place?

  • mouthy

    I think that independent thinking is a no-no also...

    Oral sex is forbidden .Missionary sex is o.k.d

    But where was you when they knocked on MY DOOR !! I wish I knew all those no-nos before I took the plunge. Oh Yes! Your werent born yet.....

  • wings

    you can't have your "worldly" dad die without having to listen to how he now has a chance at the resurrection.

  • WTWizard

    I'm surprised that no one mentioned the college one yet. So I will add that you can't go to college. There has been so much at the 2007 Grand Boasting Session about it (anyone else remember the D.E.A.D. letters to their degrees?). And there is a Kool-Aid upcoming that expounds on this as a "valueless thing".

    A corollary to this is that one cannot get a job that will support oneself without needing to work 80 hours a week. One cannot enjoy work as a witless. They are afraid that the witlesses will opt to spend time at work on purpose instead of at the boasting sessions or out in field circus.

  • DJK

    Maybe I missed this one somewhere,,,You can't wish someone a happy holiday.

  • Velvetann

    It all boils down to being a very Negative Religion for sure.

    I was brought up in the "truth" and my parents were the fanatic kind who had super good consciences. I had to live with all these rules and more. I was always jealous that others in the congregation were having fun and not following all the "rules". They didn't get in trouble but were considered spiritually weak. I would have loved to be spiritually weak.

    Growing up was NO fun, and all these rules made me rebel.

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