My husband is reading about the initial fulfillment of the last days....

by cognac 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AudeSapere

    In a previous thread, cognac inquired about leolaia:

    cognacRe: Wish to contact Leolaia

    Post 429 of 502
    since 07-Jan-08


    Anyone know who this is?

    I see you've met now.


    Sorry for the minor hijack...!!

  • freetosee
    For example, Can you e-mail your hubby? If so, start sending him a few things, carefully selected. Maybe start off with non JW things, like youtube videos or jokes etc.
    not a bad idea... I was thinking about sending him some JW stuff but I didn't want anything that used the word "cult" or "brainwashing"... I just want to be careful when I do decide to send him the 1st couple of things that are jw... Anyone have any ideas??? Thanks!!!

    These are fun videos and I think they are made by jws. I find them funny... enjoy...

    Microphone Man:

    Super Pioneer:


  • Narkissos

    Just to state the obvious a little more plainly:

    The only reason why most Christian readers assume either a totally or partly future fulfillment for the Synoptic apocalypses is that part of them was not fulfilled in the 1st century AD.

    However there is another, implicit, assumption behind this reasoning, namely that the "prophecy" could not be wrong.

    If you question this assumption, it all becomes very simple: yes, the "final end," with Christ's return in glory, was expected for that (the earthly Jesus', then the 70-AD) "generation". And it did not happen. End of story.

  • FreeWilly


    The Society uses "Dual fulfillments" like herion. This could be helpful with your hubby. You should gather a list of "dual fulfillments" and discuss go over them using only the Bible. After a while you begin to see that the notion of dual fulfillments simply gives the Society license to teach whatever they want and contend that it originally came from the Bible.

    Here is a classic example: The Tree Dream

    Read the Scriptures in Daniel 4 that the Society uses to come up with 1914. It has to do with Nebuchadnezzars "Tree Dream". Daniel clearly says that this dream applied to Nebuchadnezzar and had its fulfillment then. Daniel defined every aspect of the dream. The Society however claims it has a second, hidden fulfillment that calculates to 1914 with all sorts of secret meanings. Shockingly no other bible writer after Daniel hints at such a dual meaning. Not the prophets, nor Jesus, or the Apostles. Doing a little more research you will find that the whole "Tree Dream" calculation was first postulated by Adventists writers and borrowed by Charles Russell - to the point where some accuse him of plagerism.

    Read the scriptures by themselves and see if you find hints of secret meanings.

  • DocBob

    Hey Cognac,

    You and your hubby can meet up with my wife and me and we can "reason" with him. ;-)

    If he really wants to get into all that signs of the last days business, I would recommend he read "Sign of the Last Days - When?" by Carl Olaf Jonnson.


  • auxillaryapostate

    According to the Watchtower Society it has two fullfillments but according to the Bible it does not. Matthew24:3-51 was fullfilled during the life time of Jesus' disciples. Jesus said"all these things will come upon THIS generation." (the word " THIS" means present] These words came true in 70C.E. It marked the end of that system. When Jesus said "this generation" he was talking to his disciples so they understood he meant their generation. Jesus went on to say "there would be a great tribulation such as has not occurred nor will occur again." The Watchtower says there will be. Who do you want to believe Jesus or man? The preaching of the "good news" was fullfilled before the end came in 70 C.E. Paul said it had "been preached in all creation." Colossians {1-23.} So the end never came before the work was done. Christains do not have to preach like the WS says they do. Where did they read it has a greater fullfillment? They never. Just some more of their lies so people will slave for them. Hope this helps someone.

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