How many do you know like this?

by crownboy 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • crownboy

    A Bethelite brother gave a public talk at our hall a couple weeks ago. One part of the talk focused on "putting kingdom interest first". He gave examples of how some gave up material comfort so they could pursue the ministry. He gave an example of a brother that he knew from back in his home state who came to visit Bethel. Apparently, this brother owned a very successful buissness, and he pulled in close to a 7 figure income! However, the brother confided in his Bethelite friend the fact that he didn't feel he was doing enough for Jehovah. The Bethelite apparently told him that if he pursued a life of full time service instead of spending too much time pursuing riches, he would receive God's approval and hence be happy.

    Well, the brother took the Bethelite's advice. Today, the brother only owns a fraction of the buissness he owned before (and thusly, a fraction of the income, though probably well above the poverty line) because he sold most of the interest he had in it. He now (along with his wife and during the summer his kids) is in the full time service. He talked recently with the Bethelite and told him that selling his buissness and becoming a "full time servant of Jehovah" was the best thing he ever did, and that he is infiniely more happy now than he was when he made all the money. The Bethelite pointed out to us that that was truly an example of "putting kingdom interest first".

    Have any of you known any persons who, like the above mentioned brother, put "kingdom interest first" to the extent of loosing considerable monetary wealth? Did any eventually stop feeling happy, and how did they feel afterward?

    Go therefore and baptize the people in the name of the father and of the son... what the hell, we just need to bring up the yearbook numbers!

  • Cygnus

    My experience is not exactly on the same level, but I remember a congo part where my wife and I were asked to participate because she was aux. pioneering. The elder asked us what sacrifices we made and I said that we didn't own a VCR, a CD player, and we had the TV set my parents owned 15 years previous.

    Since then, my wife quit pioneering and _insisted_ that we buy a CD player, a VCR, and a decent TV set. Plus I bought a computer. ;-)

  • FormerOne

    I'm sure I'm not the only one who didn't go to college and worked part-time after high school so I could pioneer. Had I pursued higher education (as I guess it's allowed to do now) I'm sure I'd be making a lot more money than I am right now.

  • Escargot

    Oh yea, Brother Herold Tabert, owned Tabert’s Magnavox in Downey, CA. Sold his business in 1973 so he could pioneer (1975 was comming up fast!). Sad to say, Armageddon was delayed and they were broke. At 55, he had to go to work for the people he sold the business to, fixing radios, etc.,.

  • Grout

    My ex-P.O. in Tampa, Florida sold his interest in a good consulting biz in Chicago and pioneered until the cash ran out. He also railroaded me into blame for my divorce when it was my ex-wife who slept with another man.

    What a guy.

  • hillary_step


    This experience is doing the rounds at the moment, compliments of the latest outline for CO's at Patterson.

    One needs to ask whether this one tired tale of JW martyrdom does not actually prove the reverse of its lesson. One experience stretched to an embarrassing breaking point across the lives of 1000's of JW's.

    A few shaky zealots, or those looking for Assembly talks, will be emotionally compromised into leaving the Boardroom for a bucket and ladder but most will look the other way as if they had not heard a thing.

    The average JW is learning very quickly that martyrs used to be very easy to come by, but are rarer than an Islamic Lingerie salesman these days.



    The people that fell for this horse shit would fill a telephone book.Many had nothing left to retire with.Nothing like figuring out what flavor of dog food your eating today.Its the sad truth,and an organization that supposedly represents god,worth billions dosent give a shit...OUTLAW

  • NeonMadman
    I'm sure I'm not the only one who didn't go to college and worked part-time after high school so I could pioneer. Had I pursued higher education (as I guess it's allowed to do now) I'm sure I'd be making a lot more money than I am right now.

    Ditto to that. I am in the same position. Not only could I be making more money if I had gotten a good education, but I could probably be doing work I'd enjoy a lot more. Of course, in college, I might also have learned how to think critically, which would probably have gotten me out of the WT a lot sooner than I did. Which, of course, is why they don't want you going there in the first place.

    "The truth was obscure, too profound and too pure; to live it you had to explode." ---Bob Dylan

  • Eyebrow

    I knew several pioneers who were very bright and could have gone on to college but decided to go into cleaing or delivering newspapers so that they could pioneer. Most of those that I knew were pretty happy doing it.

    I do know one couple an elder that has been cleaing for about 20 years and his wife that lived in the basement apartment of the kingdom hall for several years. Because it has been decided that paying rent to the hall means the congregation would have to pay income taxes they were kicked out of the hall. Because they have little money (both kids, but they don't have any other marketable skills besides cleaning and waitressing) they spend part of the time living in a camper trailer (with no heat) at the wife's mother's house.

    I wonder how blessed they feel now. I feel sorry for them, they got dumped out of the hall because the WTS has deemed they are above paying taxes. Why can't they just let them live there for free?

  • LDH


    You are right.

    How odd though, that the counsel to 'not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing' is SOOOO ignored these days.

    Sure, use the example of one insane ascetic who wants to live a life of deprivation in order to feel worthy. Use it to make the rest of the JWs feel like unless they've done the same, they can never be good enough.



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