by badboy 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    It would make a great novel in the hands of a good writer. I can see it all now - mysterious death, body of an unknown person found at the KH, some hours spent dithering before anyone calls the cops. All the JWs claim they don't know who it is, who is lying? Hard to tell as evidence has been tampered with by shit-for-brains JWs who are so worried about how it will look, rather than worrying about the dead person or wanting to help the police find the murderer. Police inspector (sharp, good-looking woman with former JW partner or middle-aged world-weary man with spunky young former JW female side kick?) and sidekick have to not only investigate the crime but also the subculture of JWs so they can understand the meager clues. What could the motive be? The police investigate the dead person, the dead person's family and friends and associates, but all along they think the key to the matter is the JW religion. Turns out that one of the elders offed the deceased, who was going to tell the other elders about some awful crime - maybe the elder is a pedophile and someone's parent was gunning for him? Or someone was cheated by the elder and wanted to confront him in front of the other elders.

    there's your plot. Who wants to write the story?

  • SirNose586
    there's your plot. Who wants to write the story?

    That would make a really, really good book.

  • uwishufish

    A call would be made from the back room. Then Harvey Keitel, dressed in a tux, would appear as the clean as the clean up elder and the local BOE would be instructed in the art of body disposal.

    Addapted from Pulp Fiction.

  • brinjen

    Oooh, I could see Harvey Kietel playing the PO, with either Bruce Willis or Mel Gibson playing the elder with questions who turns apostate...

  • Hortensia

    yeah, that's a very good slant on it - the cop who investigates the case turns out to be a former elder turned apostate. His outraged sense of justice has led him to law enforcement as a career. He goes back to his original congregation to investigate the crime. He knows there are undercurrents and secrets, but the JWs are silent for two reasons - he's an apostate and every one of them has a secret. He has to find out the secrets and discover which one leads to the murderer.

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
  • Hortensia

    well, I'm no good at fiction, but I'm intrigued by the idea. So I started it off:

    John Englehard, paunchy and balding, wearing a slightly out-dated suit, gestured abruptly at his wife to enter the Kingdom Hall through the door he had just opened. He turned to get a vacuum cleaner out of the car - it was their study group's turn to clean the hall. Englehard was importantly directing the rest of the group to gather the cleaning supplies and head into the kingdom hall when his wife, moaning weakly, staggered to the door. She pointed into the dark lobby with a frightened look on her face and passed out cold. Englehard and his study group crowded into the doorway to see what was wrong. They gingerly stepped over Sister Englehard and tiptoed carefully into the hall. As each one saw the body on the floor, he or she gasped and stopped - causing the people behind them to trip and fall over the unconscious woman in the doorway.

    What they saw was unheard of in the insular world of Jehovah's Witnesses. It was a dead body in the lobby of the kingdom hall. The brothers and elder Englehard moved forward to look more closely. The sisters huddled, and moved back to the doorway. When one of them again tripped on Sister Englehard, they finally turned their attention to her. Sister Moody, a motherly older woman, sat down and cradled Sister Englehard in her arms, while saying, "shouldn't someone call the police?"

    That was the last sensible question asked over the next three hours, during which time Englehard called the rest of the body of elders and hysterically demanded that they rush to the Kingdom Hall. As each elder arrived, he looked at the body and asked the same question, "who is it? Does anyone know who it is?" Then, "what should we do? It will bring such reproach on Jehovah." Later, when Detective Howard finally arrived at the scene, he was amazed that no one had thought to call the police for so long, even though the dead man had obviously been murdered.

    Note - so I guess what would come next would be police procedures, the first cops to arrive on the scene, obfuscation by the body of elders, the detective and the crime scene investigators arrive and cordon off the area and try to make sense out of it, with mounting frustration as the elders waffle instead of answering questions directly. When the cops finally leave, frustrated and annoyed, the elders congratulate themselves for being so helpful. "I wonder if they have ever seen any group as helpful and honest as Jehovah's Witnesses?" apparently totally unaware that every one of them had a secret and was telling lies.


  • badboy


  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    John Englehard turned to get a vacuum cleaner and said "hell this sucks."

    Eventually the police arrived with Chief Inspector Letsbe Avingyou in charge of the case who came to the conclusion that their were two bodys' which needed to be dealt with,one on the floor and also the body of elders would need his close attention..Let's examine the body of elders first, he thought,as they were called into the back room one by one.The first elder Luke Lively was asked to account for his whereabouts to which he replied " you will have to ask the accounts servant." "Come come now," you can do better than that "what were you doing just before the hall was opened up,?" "Well I guess I will have to admit that I was helping sister Golightly unblock the lavatory bowl"said elder Luke."Is it still blocked , because if it is, it will mean that my team and I will have nothing to go on." said the inspector "Why yes we couldn't find the toilet brush," came back the reply.

    Just then a member from scientific support came rushing down the middle of the hall and produced the murder weapon ,it's the toilet brush!everyone exclaimed in unison."Yes I managed to get it from down the throat of the deceased by using the new super duper suck and blow vacuum which incidentially I had to put into jet mode, by the way could you make sure these tonsils are are kept in a safe place, I will need to take a few tounge prints." said Lilly Scientific Support Stockings. At that the sound of Kingdom melodies came floating over the sound system.Whereupon Bro. Stay Alive until1975 exclaimed,"the meeting !,we cannot neglect the meeting for any -- -body."

  • badboy



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