Some questions that I didn’t find the answer as a JW – Part 1

by tooktheredpill 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • tooktheredpill

    Hello everyone!

    Having been raised in the Truth™, I thought that I had all the answers in the Watchtower publications. But as I started really reading the bible without filters, a lot of stuff started to appear that made no sense to me. For example:

    1) Genesis 2:2: “And by the seventh day God came to the completion of his work that he had made, and he proceeded to rest on the seventh day from all his work that he had made.”

    • In the 7th day “God proceeded to rest”… If Jehovah and Jesus are 2 different entities, why Jehovah needed to “rest from all his work”, if everything was supposed to be created by Jesus, as the “master worker”? (See Pro.8:30)

    2) Genesis 6:5: “Consequently Jehovah saw that the badness of man was abundant in the earth and every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time. 6 And Jehovah felt regrets that he had made men in the earth, and he felt hurt at his heart. 7 So Jehovah said: “I am going to wipe men whom I have created off the surface of the ground, from man to domestic animal, to moving animal and to flying creature of the heavens, because I do regret that I have made them.”

    • If Jehovah gave the “first prophecy” about the “seed” before, in the Garden of Eden (see Gen. 3:15), why in the world He “regretted creating humans and animals” later, and was going to destroy everything in the Flood? (if He already promised Jesus to save humanity!!)

    Did you started having doubts about the WT while reading the bible?


  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Those are excellent questions. Never thought about them myself but happy to add them to my own inventory of inexplicables...

    Instead of having the brothers and sisters explain what little nuggets they found interesting in their Bible reading each Ministry School meeting, imagine having really thought-out questions being posed from the audience to which the brother on the podium would have no plausible answer...this must be avoided at all costs! No wonder the meetings have to be increasingly regimented to disallow any reasonable questioning of any kind...

  • inkling
    Did you started having doubts about the WT while reading the bible?

    Yeah, sometimes that will do the trick.

    "And Jehovah was with Judah; and drove out the inhabitants of the hill-country;
    for he could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron."

    If your God is stumped in battle because of IRON WHEELS, you should probably start shopping around for a new God.

    -Judges 1:19


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    ROFLMAO!! @ inkling.

    I'll do my best to paraphrase a comment made at this week's Bible Highlights from one of our dear old life-long JW pioneer sisters:

    "No matter how many times you read through the Bible, you'll always find something new with each re-reading."

    AMEN Sister!

    and thank-you Brother Inkling for that fine Bible "Highlight".


  • AudeSapere
    If Jehovah and Jesus are 2 different entities, why Jehovah needed to “rest from all his work”, if everything was supposed to be created by Jesus, as the “master worker”?

    Supervision is not the cake-walk job that some think it is...!

    Seriously, good question. One I had never thought of.


  • outofthebox

    I have in my arsenal (ok, a Word document, actually) hundreds of Bible questions with no answer. TRRP, I don't have answers for those questions, but I have couple more questions:

    1. Why does sometimes a kid is killed because his parent sinned? (Remember Beth-seba first born?)
    2. Why the Bible talk about Satan as a Dragon, a mythical creature?
    3. Why, o why I took the red pill? LOL.
  • The Last Nephilim
    The Last Nephilim

    Why does the bible speak plenty about the bad guys (the serpent, Great Dragon, Babylon the Great, the wild beast, the harlot, etc...) in reference to the last days but only ONE mention, in a parable, of the "faithful and discreet slave", to whom it is absolutely vital to be immovably loyal to?

    Why does almost every illustration of the death of Jesus show a single nail through his wrists, when in John 20:25 Thomas clearly says "nails" (plural) and "hands" (not wrists)?

    If the 144,000 can be any race or nationality, the Jews were no longer a favored nation, and God does not show partiality, then why does Jesus refer to Gentiles as "dogs" in Matthew 15:26?

    Why do the gospel accounts of Jesus' death and resurrection differ on these points;
    1. Depending on which account you read, the two Marys who went to the tomb on the third day saw either one or two angels.
    2. The one angel they saw was either on top of the stone that sealed the entrance or inside the tomb on the right hand side.
    3. They either went back to the disciples and told them all that they had seen and heard, or they were too fearful to say anything at all.
    4. The disciples either thought the Marys were talking nonsense for a while or they heard and immediately went to the tomb.

    If the star above Jesus' birthplace was put there by Satan to lead the would- be spies to Jesus, then why didn't they do their job, and why did they bring gifts? Couldn't the star have been placed there by God since He already knew that the "astrologers" wouldn't betray Jesus to Herod? Why didn't Herod's people or Herod himself notice the star? Wouldn't it have been easier for Satan to use the star to lead an assassin to Jesus?

    If Noah's ark landed on Mt Ararat, then how did kangaroos get to Australia without leaving any evidence that they existed anywhere else on earth?

    If Kingdom Halls didn't exist in the first century, then how can we interpret "Do not forsake the gathering of yourselves together" to mean that we MUST attend the meetings at the Kingdom Hall and not anywhere else that Christians may gather? Further, wasn't the whole point of the "gathering" to upbuild and encourage, not to be fed "new light"? (Heb 10:24, 25)

    How could Lot be a righteous man after offering his daughters to a mob of homo rapists?

    How could God kill Lot's wife for wanting to see the most awesome fireworks show this planet has ever seen?

    Why didn't God kill Lot's daughters for getting him drunk and essentially raping him (sexual immorality) when He'd just wiped out two entire cities for the same offense? (Evidently, watching fireworks is worse than raping your father!)

    When Jesus expelled the demons from the men and into the herd of swine which ran off the edge of the cliff, what happened to the demons after the pigs fell to their deaths? Would they not just go off and possess two more men?

  • garybuss

    I started having doubts about the Witnesses while attending their meetings. I started having doubts about the Bible while reading the Bible.

  • WTWizard

    Why, if they have the truth and the truth will shred any lies, are the witlesses forbidden from reading apostate material? Perhaps because the truth contained in the apostate material will shred the lies put out by the witlesses? No wonder they have constructed The Track for all boasting sessions and are staying on it.

  • MOG

    let me add something to this discussion: grab your bibles brothers and sisters Who Raised Jesus when he died? Jehovah Act 5:30 Heb 13:20 and there are more Who Raised Jesus when he died? the SPIRIT of him (lets get back to this to distinguish 'him') Romans 8:11 Who Raised Jesus when he died? Jesus did John 2: 18-22 "breakdown this temple and i will raise it in 3 days...he was talking about the temple of his body" okay.. IF Jehovah raised Jesus, Jesus raised himself, then who raised Jesus? Jehovah and Jesus..NEXT if they both raised Jesus, and we know the SPIRIT of HIM would need to be added as Jehovah and Jesus, thus making it the HOLY SPIRIT, me out here... tickle your brain on this one...

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