Watchtower Question from readers= Slams hunting??? Why???

by Witness 007 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • blondie

    In this area, elders (and other brothers) routinely go hunting during deer season, a certain time period each year. When a CO visit or circuit assembly is scheduled, the elders go hunting. In one congregation 4 out of 6 elders were gone during the CO visit and he had a fit. One year the circuit assembly fell during that same week and many elders and brothers were gone and the CO ranted during the "special needs of the circuit."

    The last QFR on this was 18 years ago in 1990. Probably time for a refresher.

  • DT

    They know that their members are still going to hunt and fish, but this is a good way to make them feel guilty about it. It's easier to control someone who is feeling guilty.

  • undercover
    Yet, there is no indication that they bragged about their prowess at fishing or hunting or that they went fishing or hunting to compete with others, to prove their manhood, or to have the thrill of the chase, the fight, or the kill.
    There's also no indication that they pee'd or pooped.

    I think that sums it up about right...

    So many of these articles start out like, "The Bible doesn't say..." or "There's no indication..." or "There were no prohibitions against..." but then the very next sentence starts, "However..." or "Yet", or "But..." and then they go own to ignore what was or wasn't said in the Bible and go on to lay down their own dogma that is supposed to become gospel for all JWs.

    It's all about control. Brothers who hunt can spend a lot of time and expense in preparation, traveling, firearms, ammo, clothing and the actual hunt itself. This is time and money that the WTS would rather they spend in the service of the publishing company.

  • DT
    Yet, there is no indication that they bragged about their prowess at fishing or hunting or that they went fishing or hunting to compete with others, to prove their manhood, or to have the thrill of the chase, the fight, or the kill.

    You have to wonder if they even read the Bible. What about John 21:1-12? That's one of the best known and most exciting fishing stories (tall tales?) in history. But I'm sure the apostles only felt a quiet, noncompetative satisfaction about the catch and only repeated the story to praise Jesus' miraculous abilities.

  • mkr32208

    Oh come on, if YOU had lied to people, cheated them, got them to convince loved ones to commit suicide over crazy misinterpretations of scriptures, throw their lives away in service to you... Would YOU want them to have guns?

    When does the open season on GB members start? Bagged me a goodin' little past it's prime but make a nice trophy!

  • kurtbethel

    Ah, so I can see the WT would favor Cain and his sacrifice over that spiritually weak hunter Abel!

  • minimus

    Hunting is wrong!!!!

    Nimrod was a mighty hunter in opposition to Jehovah!

    You can use similar reasoning for why JWs don't celebrate birthdays. You know what I mean??

  • chicken little
    chicken little

    Now all those little mmmmoooooo cows that get slaughtered to make dindins for our brothers at does that happen? A stun gun?

    Lasso? Do they line up nice waiting to be theocratically executed? If they were all vegans in there maybe I would have a bit more respect.

    Do not waste any time.....we were told even looking through coupon adverts was a waste of time....I anwsered up on that point.. the brother had obviously never been poor or a housewife trying to make ends meet.

    I again believe that the folks do what they want and keep their mouths shut if they have any sense.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    No mention was made in the article about "pouring the blood on the ground." How many fisherman or hunters bleed the meat...not many, if any.

  • Kenneson

    Well, who's to say? Maybe Jehovah enjoyed a little bit of hunting Himself. After all, the first apparent killing of animals in the Bible is at His hands. He made Adam and Eve some garments of skin. See Gen. 3:21

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