Am I the only one that didnt realize about the GB?

by yourmomma 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • daniel-p

    Yourmamma, Thanks for sharing your experience. I was raised in the truth; however, I was always active, got babtized at 16, pioneered for 4 years, served at Bethel, etc etc. Only till several little things--like the ones you mention above--piled up did I start to truly get "disgruntled" and question things. I was raised in a very strict JW household. Sometimes I underestimate the level of programming I had to obey the GB and hold the WT equal with God's Word. This can especially be seen when the elders need direction, and so look to the WT for guidance where the Bible is silent. This was one of the biggest things that opened my eyes. The WTS has built up a pantheon of never-ending literature; commentary on spiritual matters, filling in everything that the Bible left out. Part of why the Bible is almost timeless, is that it is vague for the most part. It isn't clear-cut who this Yahweh is exactly, nor is it clear the relationship between Jesus and Yahweh. How can it be clear, when it was written by men? The WTS says it was "inspired," yet they all but say the same for themselves.

  • faundy

    Some might say that it was a waste of time you going back to meetings in the first place but it got you off the drugs so that in itself is good.

  • Gordy
    When I got baptized in 1995 I believed I was dedicating my life to Jehovah, not to old men in Bethel. I thought these men were humble seekers of truth..nothing more.

    Didn't you notice the wording of the two baptism questions asked at your baptism talk?

    Up until 1985 these were the baptism questions:

    (1) Have you repented of your sins and turned around, recognizing yourself before Jehovah God as a condemned sinner who needs salvation, and have you acknowledged to him that this salvation proceeds from him, the Father, through his Son Jesus Christ?

    (2) On the basis of this faith in God and in his provision for salvation, have you dedicated yourself unreservedly to God to do his will henceforth as he reveals it to you through Jesus Christ and through the Bible under the enlightening power of the holy spirit?

    Then in 1985 they were altered which are the ones you must have said yes to in 1995 :

    The first question is:
    On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will?

    The second is:
    Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit-directed organization?

    Notice the difference?

    Pre-1985 you would have dedicated yourself to Jehovah.

    Post-1985 you now dedicate yourself to being in association with "Gods spirit-directed organisation", that is the Watchtower and all its rules etc.

  • Awakened07

    I thought God used them (in the positive sense). "Them" was a very loose term to me though; when non-witnesses would say something along the lines of "How can you let a bunch of old men control your life?", I didn't get it. Told myself I didn't let anyone control my life, that what I had been taught was from the Bible, and the Bible was from God. That our understanding of the Bible was better and clearer than any of the other's. Even though I was raised a Witness, I had no clear concept of who the GB or FDS were, and thought they 'did their best', and on top of that was somehow inspired, just with the option to sometimes fail. It's complicated. I guess that's where cognitive dissonance comes in.

    Remember that they write their 'commands' in a sneaky way. They don't say: "We the GB wants you to do this." No, they put it something like: "Christians with a trained consciences will do this." or "Many true Christians in these last days have decided to do this."

    So people can interpret it as guidance, when in reality, most Witnesses know they are more or less commands. That said, my congregations thankfully also had a more relaxed attitude toward this.

  • Awakened07

    Notice the difference?

    Pre-1985 you would have dedicated yourself to Jehovah.

    Post-1985 you now dedicate yourself to being in association with "Gods spirit-directed organisation", that is the Watchtower and all its rules etc.

    When you're deep inside it, you don't notice, and even if you do it doesn't make any difference, because you think the organization is God's own, just like he once chose to have his own people. To a trained JW mind, it all makes sense.

  • kwr

    It sounds like you were in a liberal congeration and then were awakened to the real policy when you moved. The Catholics have the same type of belief in the Pope and the Church, however many Catholics ignore it and live their lives. With JW trials being used to control the flock it is harder for the JW to live more independently from the GB and their rules.

  • MsMcDucket

    I always thought that it was odd that they would use this scripture to put down other religions and the governments: "Man can't direct his own steps"; but they never applied it to themselves.

    I asked my study conductor about the gap that was left after Peter was gone; and she said that God has always had one true religion on earth.

    I was so stupid!

  • And He Ran
    And He Ran

    Well done for finally seeing the light Yourmomma and for sharing your experiences here on the forum.

    I think it is so so subtle, how individual Witnesses are sure that they are following the bible and only the bible, or their own conscience, which I think they are to an extent. They would never ever admit to anyone that they are following the instructions of men and the dictates of a group of men in New York. It was only when I was on the way "out" that it was blindingly obvious to me. I was amazed that I had never seen it before. To an outsider it's clear that instruction is received from New York and individual members can't decide for themselves even relatively minor stuff in their personal lives.

  • jaguarbass

    I escaped the tower in 83 because I could not notice the effects of Armegeddon in 75. I left because I was not going to let a group of confused people do any more damage in my life. From 72 to 75. I thought that the organization was sincere. Back in the 50, 60's and 70's when I was raised in it, there was very little information, it was like the dark ages. Now I am free. You can be too if you want to be.

  • sacrebleu

    Nathan Nates said that any larger library would have good resources. My library is fairly big and there is nothing but JW propaganda. Makes me sick. We've thought about buying C of C for our library but someone on one of the forums mentioned that they disappear. The JWs steal them. Theocratic warfare.


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