Another jest from the Watchtower art dept. (WT 07 07/15)

by cultswatter 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cultswatter

    The following picture is from page 17 of the July 15 2007 Watchtower magazine


    The next picture is on page 18 . These pictures are on opposite sides of the same page


    Hold a flashlight behind the second picture


  • BurnTheShips

    You gotta be kidding me!

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    The firewall won't let me see it!!

    Descriptions! Please!


  • ldrnomo

    WTF, what does it all mean?

  • Leolaia

    Jeez, the quality of their "art" has gone really downhill.

  • Rapunzel

    The first picture shows a group of four Pharisees angrily confronting Peter,with one of them pointing a finger at him.

    The second photo shows Peter, holding his right hand up, denying Christ. As it is stated, it is important to note that the second picture is on the page opposite to the first drawing.

    If you hold a flashlight up to the age and look at the second drawing, there is a bizarre impression.It appears that the head of one of the Pharisees in the first photo is levatating above Peter's uheld hand in the second drawing.

  • Rapunzel

    Sorry, I'm having trouble with the "p" key on my computer. In my previous post, "age" should be "page", and "uheld" should be "upheld."

  • Leolaia

    Looks like a woman to me, the one on the left pointing her finger at Peter. And it looks like if you shine a flashlight through, Jesus I think would be "too close for comfort" with her....whispering impure thoughts in her ear maybe? Funny random things happen when you do stuff like that.

    In any case, that second drawing is godawful, and the first isn't anything to hang on the wall either.

  • journey-on

    Cultswatter, what/who are you? Some kind of trickster, a sicko, or just weird?

    In the first pic, when I hold my cursor over any of the figures, the word "penis" pops up. What in the h*** is that all about?

  • brinjen

    I really don't think that means anything, they are awful pictures though, their quality has gone downhill. Worse to worse still.

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