Hardcore evangelical intellectual just fell for an enlightened JW girl

by Stuartmc 51 Replies latest social relationships

  • poppers

    I don't think the terms "enlightened" and "JW" can possibly be linked together except in opposition to each other. If she were enlightened enough to see the truth she'd not be any part of the religion. If she were a true JW she'd never could be enlightened. Very simple.

  • Barbie Doll
    Barbie Doll
    I might change my mind on JW doctrines?

    STUARTMC-------Welcome Newbie.

    If you change your mine and go back to JWs.

    then you well have JWs telling you what to do. I would run run ruuuuuun.

    SONNY60--------Welcome Newbie.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Wings said:

    "Enlightened" will go away, believe me. To be a JW is to be a JW.

    You can take the words of Wings, to the Bank.

    Ask her, if she would sign a pre-nup, stating that she will celebrate all birthdays and Christmas with you and your family? (With a smile and Joy in her heart)

    If you want to stay in bed Sunday morning, and cuddle, will she agree to skip the meeting. If you decide to take her out to eat, instead of her going to the midweeks meetings, will she go?

    Ask her to read Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz.

    She may show her true colors.

  • yknot

    I will be the optimist here

    If she is doing the birthday thing, she has potential for being a fader.

    Date a bit, but don't cast you entire lot. Engage her in her devoutness, is it to 9 men or God?

    Ask yourself if you could deal with her lingering beliefs regarding immortality of the soul, enternal hellfire torment, and trinity? Introduce her to Jesus as her mediator.

    My husband (SB) dated, married and had children with me and see 12 years later I am on this board and on my way out. I still believe as a JW about the 3 above, but I know and except Jesus in my heart. I do not believe that the WTS GB is under any divine appointment.

  • xig28

    sonny i just want to ask you question from what you said. why do you say jw just want to have a good time? so your saying they just like using the heart for the wrong reason? yes they will feel guilt but then they will retunr to their religion for help right or wrong? im just curious because i dont think they are like that right?

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    I wouldn't call her an "enlightened" JW, as that is an oxymoron. She sounds like more of a very weak JW. Df'd twice, inactive in service. She would be considered a fringe hanger on for social/family reasons.

    Given her history, there is a good chance she would ditch JW's once again if she was in love with a man/you. However, having left because of personal "weakness" and not intellectual enlightenment, she will still be full of guilt and doubt and heavily influenced by JW "group think". If she is intelligent otherwise, you may over time be able to chink away at this as long as she stays away from the group long enough. You have to be subtle though. No trying to force it or you will just re-inforce it.


  • sass_my_frass

    I can't believe it possible for a JW who defends the organisation to be open-minded about everything. You will eventually run up against something extremely important to you that you will have no choice but to compromise on. In the meantime you will be slowly worn down by her lack of intellectual freedom, and you'll never convince her that that's her problem.

  • MissingLink

    EVERYONE is unique! It's not fair to judge someone because they still go to meetings. Hell - half the people on this board are "faders" and still go to meetings!

    Just be honest. Put your cards on the table. See if she'll read Crisis of Conscience. This seems to be one of the huge things to turn people against the organization.

    It sounds like she's already one of "us". Tell her about this board. Everyone here will welcome, and support her.

  • Junction-Guy

    Sometimes you can't help who you fall in love with, but in this situation you really need to think long and hard about it.

    If I were you, I would ask her what she was disfellowshipped for, this may provide some helpful clues.

  • Honesty

    Run. Now.

    Run as fast as you can.

    While you can rationalize away at the moment, when it comes down you or the Watchtower Society a JW will choose the Watchtower Society EVERY TIME.

    I was married to a drop dead gorgeous knock out JW from eastern Europe for 10 years.

    It was heaven except for the "I don't go" well you get the picture.

    She is funny, cooks like a French chef, loves kids and animals and was always submissive (I could do anything I wanted to).

    However, when I discovered the "Faithful Slave" doctrine is so full of bull feces that it produces the finest mushrooms known to man she turned into one mean bitch from hell.

    Then, when I started talking about Jesus a lot it became a real nightmare.

    I divorced her and it is still a nightmare because she believes in and effectively applies Theocratic Warfare when it comes to my kids.





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