When you left how long did it take you to get out of the JW mind set ??

by karter 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • karter

    How long before something happened (i:e 9/11) before you stopped thinking the big A was coming??

    I read 7 news papers a week it took me a long time to read about some big bad event without thinking this is it the big A is about to happen now i read it for what it is.

    What about you.

  • sass_my_frass

    I think I still haven't! Ah no not really. My intellectual break was pretty much complete within a few months of being disfellowshipped (mostly because I spent a lot of time on here!)

  • LouBelle

    I think I stopped believe it was coming when I left high school - well that's when I started suspecting it wasn't coming - it still took me 11 years to get out though - The day I left the organisation, the day I found truth, was the day my armegedon came. I don't believe in it as a literal event.

  • prophecor

    2 & 1/2 years after being on this site. Out of the loop for nearly 20 years. Never knew the truth about the truth until coming here over 4 years ago. Measure the balance of the mental, suspended animation. I've lost count.

  • chickpea

    still in flux...... so many spectres that need to be dispelled, so much misinformation to be sifted and sorted

    it took 2 decades to develop, but i am hoping that it takes about 1/10th the time to readjust to reality....... and to get up the stones to deal with that reality without relying on the myths of the b0rg that allowed me to have no responsibility or accountability in regard to my duties as a citizen of the planet

  • looloo

    in an instant , when a married elder that had been visiting me for years (with his wife) declared his feelings for me that he had a very long time (i had thought he liked me in a daughterly way ) i didnt understand why i was visited as i didnt receive the mags anymore or study , wish he had kept those feelings to himself but he thought i felt the same way .

  • shamus100

    It took me about 3 years. You go through the phases really slowly, but they do go. I never thought that I would say it but even my friends who still talk to me who are trapped because of marriage, guilt, etc. I just don't have the time of day for. When you're mind is truly freed from that nonsense you do come around - just be patient, and work through the feelings.

    Look at it this way - if armageddon did come, would you really want to live forever with those nitwits? I don't believe in hell, but friend, that would be worse than the hell we live in right now. Just think about those idiots and they're judicial comittee's, gossipping, etc. for eternity, and you having to worry. And we'll all be walking around naked playing with lions and cleaning up they're crap. Whatever....

  • Mum

    Two years, more or less. My awakening was expedited by a meeting with the elders, whose tactics were so similar to terrorist or Spanish inquisition type interrogations that I no longer had any delusions about the true nature of their precious organization or their true character. I resisted going to that meeting, but it turned out to be Freedom Day every day since.



  • atpeace

    i'm not sure for me the mind set will completly go away. instead of not thinking about doctrins, is the bible real, etc - i'm beginning to form my own very concrete beliefs that are not jw mind sets.

    however - i can go to any holiday party and not think twice about it - but to celebrate christmas in my home still feels "wrong". we say "bless you" if someone sneezes as a human nicety, but it's always at the back of my mind that it was "wrong" as a child. we toast friends with drinks, but if i'm around jw relatives, i'm careful to not do that.

    when you get out though - its amazing to have your eyes opened to how everything was controlled. every thought, every action.

  • atpeace

    also, we went back to a few meetings after 9/11. an elder asked how he could help us. i said some association would be nice. when he came back with "your association will come with spending time in field service. you have to prove yourself first". it didn't take long to accept the fact that even if it was the "truth", i couldn't live like that any longer.

    as far as armageddon, i was always afraid. it has been liberating not having that over my head everyday.

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