What do you say to someone you are seeing for the last time?

by Bumble Bee 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    I've been thinking about this alot tonite. What do I talk about with my uncle when I see him on Wednesday? This will be the last time I see him alive. What do you say to someone that's dying and knows it? It's not like we really have shared memories to fall back on and talk about. I'm at a loss here.


  • restrangled

    I love you.


    Is there something positive that you remember perhaps from childhood that you could speak of? I've never been in this situation before.

    If I had been able to tell my brother good-bye I would have told him how much I loved carrying him around on my hip and showing him off to my friends. I would have told him how proud I was of what a good father he was having had no example of that from our own father.

    If I could have said good-bye to my uncle I would have laughed about all of his practical jokes.

    Just a thought. You may have to dig deep to find something but there may be something you haven't thought of. I wish you well BB and I love you.

  • sweetface2233

    I don't know what to tell you, as I have never been in your situation, but the very first thing I thought of after reading your post was, "I love you". Sometimes the right thing can't be said and a hug, smile, a squeeze of the hand, or a kiss on the forehead are all that is needed. I think A&W made some good suggestions, but then again, I have no clue what you could possibly be going through right now and I dread the day when I will. My heart goes out to you right now and I hope things are peaceful for your uncle's final days.


    "Thank you" (kiss/hug) if appropriate.

  • ladylove

    Death is the strangest part of life. Most the time the ones dying will lead the conversation. The most important thing they want to know is that the ones they leave behind are going to be ok. Let your Uncle lead you through his memories of you and your father. If he wants your approval of his death, there is no harm in telling him you approve, But that you will miss him.

    I don't mean to sound blunt, but have I been through countless death processes.

    remember the hardest part of Death.....

    It takes away the oppertunity to make NEW MEMORIES

  • BizzyBee

    Remind him of times when his presence meant a lot to you. Times you can show appreciation for and maybe (especially) some laughs.

    "Remember the time we went to _______________ and you _______________. That was so special and so much fun. I've never forgotten it! I smile every time I think about it. I'm so glad we had that time to all be together."

  • Uzzah

    "I love you and will miss you. I will keep an eye on your family to make sure they are all right."

    With my Father (4 years ago tomorrow - Friday February 13th) I promised him I would always take care of his wife and my little brother. That he can rest now and it will be okay.

    I've had to say goodbye to a few but am glad to have had the chance to do so.


    BB - Huge hugs kiddo. I'll be in touch. {{{{BB}}}

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    Goodbye and thanks for all the fish

  • Hortensia

    "I love you." I asked my JW mother who she was looking forward to seeing - she got the most intense longing in her voice and said she really wanted to see her mother and father. I don't believe in life after death, but my mother believed in the resurrection, so I encouraged her to think about it. If that's his hope, ask him about it. I don't know what's running the universe, but if there is a way my mother could see her parents again, I hope it happened.

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