What positive things can you take from being raised JW?

by Mickey mouse 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • tan

    Speaking to the public.

    The ability to talk to all races young and old.

    SOME morals....



    Coming from someone who at one time truly believed that they were the truth.

  • loosie

    I've had never done drugs.

  • Bobbi

    Being able to speak in public. I recently spent some time working a booth in the mall to promote a group
    I volunteer with. I joked with the ladies that it was about time my time in a mind control cult benefited me.

    All the skills I learned from informal witnessing are making it much easier for me to spread my apostasy.


  • reniaa

    I'll give you this you did try to do a positive thread mickey :)


  • JWdaughter

    Never smoked. But it repulsed me since I was tiny anyway. Doubt I would ever have smoked.

    Never used drugs. But I'm too smart for that-I have seen what an addictive problem there is in my mom's family and I don't want to go there.

    Good ability to reason.Later on, a good ability to figure out the difference between making a good argument and actually being TRUE/correct. When I was a kid, JWs thought I was very 'profound' because I could support JW teachings so well with what I knew. Later, when my sources went outside of the WT literature, my insights seemed a little less 'profound':)

    I am glad to realize now that a salesperson making a good pitch doesn't mean he actually would buy the product. I had to ignore a lot of little things as a JW to be a 'good' JW. I didn't even realize how much avoidance I was doing until later on. I can't play the smile and nod while I feel totally betrayed 'game' any more. Won't happen. I call BS when I see it.

  • The Berean
    The Berean

    My tale is a generality yet I have encountered many who have related the same experience.

    My family was a total mess before religion. Mom and dad had split. With five children, we were poor and going nowhere. Our lot had low self esteem. We were nomads. Then Mother found a way to make us believe that not only were we equal to others but actually superior! In our mind, by joining the ranks of JWs overnight our rag-tag outfit became God's chosen people looking at eternal life! The more difficult our life got in reality, the more we were told by those inside that it was Satan trying to take us away from our righteous existence. We were a prized catch!

    Now it worked temporarily because we had nothing else to lay claim to in life. Of course, later for several of us there would be damages caused by living in la-la land, but, we always had food, a roof over our head, rides to the KH as well as conventions, and even employment opportunities from fellow members.

    In the overview, I could share common stories on how the organization stole my childhood, but in truth I had little chance for a normal upbringing under any circumstances, therefore whatever fabricated existence I experienced as a Witness, it would have likely been worse on the outside.

    Being involved in such an organization also taught me how all groups work. It may not seem this way but JWs control people with the same ageless techniques that have existed throughout history. Now, whether I am voting for President or buying a blender on line ... I am an educated participant.

  • restrangled

    I can face anyone, including a bunch of angry pissed off condo owners and hold my own as the girl in charge.

    I can negotiate any deal, with any contractor, and make them fulfill their contract. I have no reservations about firing anyone or calling them on the carpet.

    I do not have a fear of public speaking, infact, I developed a very opinionated big mouth. (not always a good thing!)

    I have no fear of talking to strangers.

    I always watch for those in need when I am in a grocery store, etc.....I cannot ingnore someone needing help in some area.

    I also learned....how to sit quietly...biding my time....to watch and listen, take notes,......and how to manipulate enemies.

    I would not consider all of this positive. Some of these lessons are not good lessons....all learned as a jw.


  • m.seagull

    healthy cynicism.

    ability to take on authority.

  • mrsjones5

    never smoked

    have never done drugs

    not much of a drinker but that's not because of being raised in the bOrg, Mother is a bit of a liteweight lush, it just doesn't taste that good to me

    Is being a loner a good thing?


  • restrangled

    Mrs. Jones asked:

    "Is being a loner a good thing?"

    Ya know what Jonsie, I am the same way... I don't need alot of input or people around me. I find the quiet.... a total relief and peaceful.....

    Not a bad thing. When you enjoy your own company...you tend to be a very contented soul. Needy people are extremely tiresome.


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