We lose our loved ones twice.

by wanderlustguy 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthsetsonefree

    I know what you mean. I know that as time goes by I will grieve twice. I HATE that shunning.



  • flipper

    WANDERLUSTGUY- My condolences to you my friend. I too lost close friends , buddies in death , one died in spring of 2003 . He had been inactive for a few years and we had been real tight , close friends but I had not seen him in 4 years before he died. Talked on the phone to him 2 months before he died - and I regretted not spending time with him. Because he was inactive his family had a non-witness funeral for him which I liked more as he truly was eulogized and talked about during the service. I feel for you, this religion we were raised in needs to be brought down. There has been too much suffering for many of us. Peace bro, hang in there, Mr. Flipper

  • LoverOfTruth

    I'm so sorry you lost your friend.

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    Beautiful, man. I told my dad recently I want us to be close, if only to email and say Hi, thinking of you , if that's all he can do. He pasted WT and KM articles to explain 'from the bible' why he can't say hello to me.

    I told him, I'm so sorry, it's just that our time together is short enough as it is::sniff::. He said, This is the way it has to be.

    WLG, you so nailed it, all the reasons that their evil shunning rule is wrong for our humanity.

  • Eliveleth


    Thank you for posting your blog. I agree with you about the WT policies on human relationships.

    What you wrote about young people not being able to develope a normal relationship is so true. And why?

    Are they concerned about the youngsters themselves? It is the fear on bringing reproach "on the organization.

    This happened to my oldest daughter. They were so pressured that they got married too soon and a few years

    later her husband left "to find himself" because he had not gotten a chance to do the things young people do

    before he got married. He was 17. He wasn't ready to get married, but felt he had to. At the time, being we were

    still in the WT, we condemned him, but the policies of the WT are certainly not in place for the benefit of Jehovah's

    Witnesses, but to promote a false sense that JWs are different from the world and have a more perfect organization.

    I pray that you will find a wonderful, caring woman who will make your head spin.

    Love and hugs,

    Gramma Velta

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