Being a Pro-Life Atheist

by B_Deserter 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • beksbks

    I can't help but think of it in terms of pain. What pain will a fetus/embryo/bunch of cells feel being terminated before birth, as compared to a lifetime of being unwanted/uncared for? Only the mother could decide something like that. Making life is not as miraculous as some of us would like to think. Any two idiots can do it. It's sustaining a happy and healthy life that's a miracle.

  • worldtraveller

    I have noticed for some time that most evangelical orgs. are against all types of birth control, except abstinance. While abstinance is an excellent choice, why should others be denied birth control? Some even believe that condoms and bcp is evil. Prevention after all is the best way. The catholics are an excellent example. This makes no sense to me as many will be intimate no matter what you tell them, but will do it with or without protection.

    Never mind pregnancy, how about protection against disease?

  • beksbks

    I think it may have something to do with "go therefore and fill the earth blah blah".

    In my humble opinion, the earth is plenty damn full already.

  • mavie

    WorldTraveler, that kind of dichotomous thinking just doesn't work. Life isn't black or white. People do not make the decision to keep or abort in a vacuum, you have to look at the context.

    I think it is a personal decision that no one but the person having the child can make.

    As for being anti-life, well, I would love to see advances in stem cell research help millions on the planet someday live longer, better lives.

  • mavie

    Is prevention the best way? People are going to have sex, no matter how much we tell them otherwise. Condoms, protection training, etc can help mitigate the chance an abortion may happen.

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    We lost a baby at 12 weeks, it was the size of a jelly bean and had no concept of rational thought or pain.

    We would not have an abortion and I find it distasteful that anyone would use abortion as a form of birth control because they were too stupid or lazy to use contraception, however, it is none of my god damn business what choices other people make.

    I am ultimately pro-choice, it frustrates the crap out of me that people think they can foist their judgemental morals on other people.

  • MissingLink

    Its a tough one alright. For the hard-core pro-choicers - what is the cut off? Is one day before birth OK to kill a baby? If so - why not any time before the baby is 1 year old. They really don't know much at that point anyway?

    I've seen horrendous videos of abortions and the baby is clearly aware that something is wrong when the tools are coming at him. That to me is just evil.

    But before the brain is developed? Maybe that's a different matter? Should POTENTIAL life have rights? Not sure about it.

  • B_Deserter

    Another thing I noticed about that article was that it was very callous and cold when talking about human life. I agree that if abortion is illegal then it will just force it underground. Heck, if all it took to stop an activity was to make it illegal, prohibition would have worked, and we'd have no drug problem. What really needs to be done is address the problems in society that lead to abortion. Treat the cause, not the symptom. I am totally against abstinence-only sex education. As Jello Biafra, lead singer of the Dead Kennedys once put it: The verdict is in, America likes to screw. I've met women who've had abortions as simply another method of birth control. They killed their babies because it was just too inconvenient to their drinking/partying schedule. Where is the personal responsibility? If we allow this callousness to propagate in our society, we're doomed.

  • brinjen
    I've met women who've had abortions as simply another method of birth control.

    I know, some women do and that grates my nerves as well. It's irresponsible as well as dangerous to your health. When I say 'unwanted pregnancy' I'm talking either rape or when birth control fails you...

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Deserter this is an issue that cant be resolved....if it's OK to abort a fetus because it is not yet conscious, then you can kill a child before it's first birthday!!!??? Also the hardship of having say a 6th child financally may mean it has no quilty of life...what if the mothers health is in serious danger, most Witnesses would hope for the best but mum and baby could die.....this is a very complex issue which Im not sure about. Being responsible with Birth control is very important.

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