Mispronunciations at the meetings

by TR 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stephanus

    I take it you say "molybdenium", Englishman?

    "Those are my principles. If you don't like them I have others." - Groucho Marx

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    Given these amusing examples, I would like to someday go to Fredhall's WT study to hear his comments. Probably a giggle a minute.

  • teejay

    Not a mispronunciation, but I hated hearing, "this helps us to appreciate..."

    It was like fingernails on a chaulkboard. Drove... me... nuts!

  • zev

    my 2 cents...

    we had a co/do in the northeast who pronounced gods name...


    you know, like the vacuum cleaner.

    then in my pourly educated world,

    there's the alread mentioned

    to "ax" a question.

    and the old "tree" for three.

    and the killer....


    how do i stand 2 hours of uneducated b.s.?

    -The "Truth" is out there! TRUST NO ONE!

  • target

    There was a brother in the congregation back in Wisconsin who always said "also too". I always wanted to tell him that it was one or the other, but sisters aren't suppose to correct brothers. It seemed to be contagious. Soon all the brothers were saying 'also too".
    The one that got the biggest laugh was during the Watchtower study a visiting sister seated way in the back raised her hand to comment. When she smiled she had big dimples in her cheeks. The conducting brother called on her by saying"The sister way in the back with the big nipples". LOL

  • Jourles

    The one that always bugged me even when I was little and knew the right pronunciation was Shad-rack. As far back as I can remember, there was only one WT study conductor that ever got it right. I recall him saying it correctly as Shay-drack, all the while some 'all-knowing' sister made the point to say it as shad-rack over and over in her answer(like she thought she was schooling him). Even today, many years later, I still hear it said that way by the ignorants.

  • VeniceIT

    ohh man I could go on and on and on...

    I hated the expression 'the provisions that have been provided'!

    And no JW says the word Accurate properly when said in the phrase 'accurate knowledge'.. it comes out ackret knowledge

    Or the one brother that gave the talk on 'Ruth and Bozo'!


    "WE will make NO distinction between those who commit the act of Pedophilia and those who harbor them!!!"

  • larc

    I remember a part at the service meeting. The brother playing the part of the JW was a sincere, nice guy but had trouble pronouncing words. The brother playing the house holder was not a typical Witness - he was a cut up and enjoyed life. The Witnes was reading a scripture and the cut up interupted and said, "What did you say? Would you read that again" so the brother with pronounciation problems did and the cut up house holder said, "Oh, I thought you said that the mink would inherit the earth." Pretty outrageous humor in our staid congregation.

  • Ranchette

    Jehovah’s Witnesses- Jahoma Williams

    Hittites- High Titties

    Ask you a question- Ax you a qwerstion

    Pronunciation-Pro nonce iation

    Organism- Orgasam

    Abyss- a bisquit

    Sect – sex

    Reincarnation- a carnation

    We lived in the deep south. Can you tell?


  • Thirdson

    Here are ones heard in field service:

    It's them Jeehovis Witnesses,

    It's them Jo-var Witnesses

    Are you one of them Jehobars?

    There were times I wished we were called Russellites!


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

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