In a few minutes, Moshe visits a KH bookstudy meeting.- I'm back

by moshe 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    Ugh! Were you able to keep your lunch down?

  • mentalclearness

    Hey I thought you went to a meeting a couple of months ago with a watchtower or something??? Maybe i´m mistaken..but I thought i read that...

  • moshe

    Well, I made it all the way to the end!! I told them my Ma was in a nursing home and I promised her I would look in JW's again- maybe start a study to make her happy- They ate that up. Anyway- about 30 were at the study- most were minorities, elderly sisters and sisters with kids. One single white, bro about 20 I would say.- maybe 4 married couples.The conducor was about 45 and had been a JW since 1976 he later told me.

    I found it hard to believe they were still buying the 1914, 1919 and 1935 crap, but all those dates were in tonight's Rev- study and when I asked about 1919- why was that important- the conductor said he would try and explain it afterwards- OK- later, as in, couldn't explain it. The last 2 paragraphs summed it all up- The vine of the earth was of Satan and Jehovah would destroy everyone who was part of it- Idolaters, fornicators, adulterers, members of Baylon the great all destroyed- I asked the conductor, "will any organization that has these fruits of Satan's vine escape judgment ( the trap is getting set) , "No, none will escape" he answered. " ( look out, bro) "Well would child molestors and pedophiles be included in that list?" " Uh , well yes" ( elder's shoulders slumping)-

    "WELL THEN WE HAVE A BIG PROBLEM HERE!" (yes it was loud) "It was just on NBC News a couple months ago that the WT Society paid out millions in hush money to KH victims of JW pedophiles- some of the molesters were elders!- The story in the paper said that as many as 20,000 JW kids were abused by serial JW pedophiles and the KH elders failed to protect the kids by calling the police" The Bros swarmed around me , then.- But I could see the look of shock on the faces of the sisters and the uninformed young ones, " Not true one bro said - watchtower. org explanined what happened, yada, yada- party line crap. " well , IF the 20,000 number is true then the WT is covering up the truth and Jehovah must punish the Watchtower organization and the members in the KH who take it's side" " Well, yes" " he admitted, "If that was true, but it's not"---

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    What happened next? Quit holding back on us!!

  • BurnTheShips
  • moshe

    Not much- just some discussion- when the bro couldn't explain 1919 after the meeting, I said, "wasn't it right after that that Jehovah gave them the message, "Millions now living will never die?" " yea, that's it", the study conductor said- " "except, it never happened! probably everyone who heard that talk is dead now" - oops! When the bro said he came in in 1976- we talked about 1975 problem and they said it was just something some of the bro's and sisters got carried away with- " well, I asked, what about how they said stay alive until 1975 at the conventions?- " no, they never said that, he said. " well they did and you can hear it on the Internet- look up Bro Sinutko - the talk is on the Internet just google for it, I told him. He said, " well if he said that he was a -Nut!" A JW with a sense of humor! - he didn't try and refute me after that and the younger MS type bros were thinking - one of them was rubbing his jaw- the classic, I'm taking this in and thinking it over, body gesture. I left on surprisingly good terms- they said come back for another meeting this week- sorry, but I feel my ulcer kicking in, after only 75 minutes!

  • tula


  • BurnTheShips

    Hey Moshe,

    I gotta say it. You have a pair. I don't know if I could sit that thing out and keep a straight face. LOL


  • moshe

    It all went over very calmly- about 20 years ago( my last real meeting) when I made my "point" at a WT study the boys surrounded me and herded me into the lobby and said they would call the police- I think they are defintely not as gung-ho as I remembered from 20 years ago- like the 1914 thing, " Why did they take that out of the inside cover of the magazines?" I asked, The MS guy said, the light gets brighter and -" I cut him off, "until it just goes out from all the mistakes?" duh, uh- he was done

  • chickpea

    i second the sentiment, mate

    you definitely have quite the pair.....

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