Now That We're Outta The "Organization" Can We Be Who We Really Are?

by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Are you who you want to be? When you come here, are you comfortable to be who you really are? Can you express how you truly feel?

    I know that not everyone may "understand" who we are, but being out of the Organization and its myriads of rules, we should be able to be comfortable. If after the leaving "The Truth", we still can't be ourselves, we'll never be able to grow and progress. I believe these boards should help us to get into the real world. Before, we could NEVER communicate about any doubts, questions or opinions without worrying that we might get censured or "disciplined" in some way.......Hopefully, we've all grown.

  • stillajwexelder

    I dont think so. Let me tell you why. I have been connected with JWs for over 25 years. When one belongs for that length of time it affect us -we may say it does not - but it does. So we can only ever be who we are now - and that person has been affected by being a JW for all that length of time. Sure we can go on heavy drinking binges, start smoking or whatever , but the prson who we thought we were will never exist again. We have been affect by the organization. We are better students, public speakers -are generally not abusive etc.

    my 2 cents - not sure it answers your question minimus

  • minimus

    So, we can never be who we could be?? Once you're a JW, it's hopeless? Gee, I hope not!


    ..NO!!..Not until your ready!.....Until then..Explore who you really are.....................Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • worldtraveller

    Not sure if this is the right place to ask this question. Here goes.

    If you knew what kind of mess you were getting into, why did you allow it in the first place. Is it perhaps the "fine print' was not offered?

    Not trying to be a dink about it, but it is unbelievable all the bs I have seen here in the 5 months I have visited. I mean that this faith was not supposed to be a prison sentence. At the point of baptization did no one point out that this is the point of no return?

    I just read another post a few down that it looks like a marraige is going down the tube-Freedomfighter I believe. I mean come on-you sign on the dotted line for better or worse and you end up loving a real estate corp more than your family? Maybe a good thread would be for those that joined as an adult, just how it all started. When did the lies begin? I was told by my JW associate that they do not shun, but clearly he is programmed to say that. He is a drone, but at what point did you all start to see the corruption.?

    I would like to know this because of my background studying the "new world translation" with my Jw assoc. I did many bible studies for about 4 years and it was around last summer when the "satan" stuff started. At that point I did my own research and found out about all the corruption and perversion. So I told him about what I discovered and guess what? He now only communicates on a business level. No personal get togethers at all. Suits me fine as he is the most boring dude on the planet.

    Anyway I am trying to learn so maybe I might be able to wake the guy up, although it seems like a lost cause. Not trying to hijack the thread,or upset anyone. Just learning. Thanks all. Bill.

  • Mincan

    Who we are is a relative thing. Relative to our experiences in the "OrganiSation".

    Like would I be where I am right now if I wasn't in this thing? Would my depression have been caused by a mental defense mechanism to protect my sanity beginning at age 10? Would I be sitting here now baked out of my mind on cannabis? THinking if it wasn't for this cannabis I wouldn't want to live? Not caring about my own life? Wanting to have sudden death?

    Who knows these things Alexander? That's why they call them myths....

  • R.Crusoe

    Mincan I hope you don't mind me asking, but do you wonder about God quite often and find yourself having to blank it all out??

  • Mincan

    I never think about God, but I do blank out other stuff a low. Actually the words are disassociation and compartmentalisation and PTSD like retreival and hidding of memories and memories of experiencing emotions.

  • R.Crusoe

    I imagine its a major menace to you being on so many things that you may like to get off but need to keep on just to keep going?

    I was struck over the last months at how mature and intelligent some of your posts are for such a young man!

    I wondered if your spirituality bugged you that much that it made life a complete unsolveable problem for you at times as it did me for way too long? Like I was sat doing a math problem that wouldn't go away for too many years and that I also had the same problem I couldn't solve for my kids etc?

    Realised life isn't a math problem and you never see birds on a branch with a paper and pen worrying about it! lol

    I'm not sure how you could use all your nature skills to your advantage in life (ones nature gave you) ? I feel similar as if I've had some skills I shoulda used somehow but needed a representative or others to work with me to help me make something of it! I don't know really, I think sometimes if you have extra thoughts and skills but aren't in a job or some regular group that helps you release and put it to good use, it can be like a curse because your mind is so agile and not being put to excellent use! Maybe your situation is complicated by all the meds you are on??

    Will you have the conditions you have for life?

    Are there any examples of individials who in your situation have discovered ways to work alongside what you have in their lives?

    Do you have any ambition to do or be anything? I lost all ambition because I lost myself in trying to solve the unsolveable and that made me mess up other stuff! Anyhow I ask too many questions - lol - hope you have a chilled day today and find one thing that shoots a sprout for tomorrow!


  • poppers

    Nobody is who they "think" they are; that's the fundamental error, identification with thinking and concepts. People form a large part of their identity from religious ideas, and feel threatened by the relinquishing of those ideas. That's why people gravitate toward another conceptual world when they let go of their current religion. The deeper question, then, is "What am I really? What are you beyond any mental consideration, beyond any idea? Find that and then see what happens.

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