The Rolling Stones - Your Favorite Songs or Albums from them

by flipper 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • dinah

    WooooHoooo, Mr. Flipper!

    Ther Stones are my favorite band EVER.

    I could list three pages of favorite songs, but here are a few

    Little T & A


    Dance Part 2

    Gimme Shelter

    Midnight Rambler

    Slippin' Away

    Almost Hear Ya Sigh

    Favorite Albums:

    Sticky Fingers, Let it Bleed, and Tattoo You

    I've seen them in concert twice----AWESOME!!!!!

  • Nosferatu

    Favorite Stones tunes:

    Gimme Shelter
    Mother's Little Helper

    That's it. The rest I could care less about.

  • Dagney

    I'll have to go with Sticky Fingers here, more about the time in my life and how much fun I had when that came out. But I have to say I listen to Tatto You, Some Girls, and some live version ("No Security" or something like that) that is just great probably more.

    Again too many songs to rank, but I'm known for "Can't Always Get What you Want." It's my ringtone with some friends, and we've made a sort of pact, no KH memorial when we die and to have that song played just like in the "Big Chill."

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Respectable from the Some Girls Album....I always thought that song was very appropriate during the Clinton Administration.

  • flipper

    DINAH- Great songs by you ! I love Gimme Shelter ! Lucky you - you've seen them perform 2 times ? I'm envious .

    NOSFERATU- Yeah, Gimme Shelter was great . Mothers Little Helper good as well.

    DAGNEY- Great album picks from you. Interesting ring tone for your phone .

    EL KABONG- Very funny about the Clinton administration. LOL! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    Just reviewing this thread and I'd have to say my favorite stones album has got to be:

    Get Yer Ya Ya's Out!

    two great lines from the album not in a song...
    1. "I think I've lost a button on me trousers. Hope they don't fall down. You don't want me trousers to fall down now do ya?"
    2. "Paint It Black you devils!"

    Great songs and I've always thought the Stones do Chuck Berry much better than Chuck Berry.

  • flipper

    KNOCK KNOCK- Those are funny lines from Get yer YAS YAS out ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • dinah

    If any of you really love the Stones, get the "Love you Live" album. It was recorded live in Ontario. It has a Mambo side that is killer. Also that live version of Sympathy for the Devil is the best I've ever heard.

  • flipper

    DINAH - " Love you Live " album ? I'll have to listen to that album . I like mambo as well. Thanks

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