The Rolling Stones - Your Favorite Songs or Albums from them

by flipper 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    So, I figured I'd throw another biggie in the music world out there for you to chew on ! The Rolling Stones - the polar opposite of the Beatles but just as good in their " bad boy " image way ! So I look forward to hearing your picks ! Here are mine.

    2. Paint it Black

    3. If I Was a Dancer

    4. Jumping Jack Flash

    5. Satisfaction

    6. Miss You

    7. Harlem Shuffle

    8. Laugh I Nearly Died

    9. Rain Fall Down

    10. Sweet Neo Con

    The last 3 songs were from their last studio album " A Bigger Bang " released in 2005 .

    2. A Bigger Bang 2005 Great album !

  • DJK

    I never was a big Stones fan.

    Favorite song....Angie

  • flipper

    DJK- I hear you. I was more of a Beatles fan than a Stones fan - but the older I got , I started appreciating the " blues " influence in the Stones music , as I became a big blues fan by the end of the 1980's entering the 1990's . Been a big blues fan ever since ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • JK666

    Favorite album: Sticky Fingers

    Favorite song: Little T & A


  • flipper

    JK- Good picks by you I must say ! Never heard " Sticky Fingers " before - but I bet it's good ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Cc81

    Moonlight mile! i lovve that song. i have awesome memorys of driving in the car with my uncle while he would blast that song.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Satisfaction, Time, Tell Me, She's a Rainbow (LOVE that song), You Can't Always Get What you Want. (Ain't THAT the truth)!!!! It's so hard to pick favorites from the Greatest Rock and Roll Band in the World.

  • JK666

    I almost forgot, I love the song "Bitch" . . . because love, it's a bitch, alright.


  • stillajwexelder

    Paint it Black

    Exile on Main Street

  • flipper

    CC 81- Moonlight Mile - nice.

    EL KABONG- Satisfaction is a great song. I haven't heard " She's a Rainbow " although I have been told it is a great song. I'll have to hear it.

    JK- Yeah, love is a bitch. But remember love is also " sticky fingers " at times too ! Stay positive ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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