It's Friday night and what are you doing?

by wings 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    just got home, worked late. I'm going to take it easy - I have a long day at work tomorrow. I'm watching Cops for entertainment, until Designed to Sell comes on. May have a cup of decaf later on, no fudge, darn it. I do have some low-cal low-carb dark chocolate. Might have some of that. Hi folks! Nice to see you!

  • wings

    Soon I'll be driving home in the rain.

    100 miles thru Los Angeles.

    aude...sure hope you have a safe trip. I think the weather is suppose to keep it up thru Sunday.

  • lola28

    I'm going to try and cook (god help my poor sisters) and then I'm going to make a care package for a friend whose gradma had a stroke, I plan on watching the Lakers game and some King of the Hill and then going to bed before one am for a change.

  • hillbilly

    I just got I wish I had someone to talk to... I'm in an awful way. Just a day early.


  • FreedomFrog

    Just finished up my assignments, now switching back and forth between here and playing Webkinz.

    Thinking about making some hot chocolate and curling up on the couch with Suburban Girl Starring Alec Baldwin and my shepherd on my lap.

  • wings
    I just got I wish I had someone to talk to... I'm in an awful way. Just a day early.

    Sorry Hill......what's up?

  • lonelysheep

    I'm exhausted. Happy since my work meeting went well, yet tired from the drive home from NYC. Drinking wine, watching Paula's Party with my cat on my bed staring at me, purring. I'm convinced I need to take a trip to Germany sooner rather than 20 years from now, so I'm daydreaming, too.

  • BIG D
    BIG D

    Just had a date with a nurse, she has to go in tonite so it was an early date, first one with her, well see how it goes, then i took my kids to the new 300 movie,

    big d

  • Gopher

    Just got back from a visitation. Someone who I knew in the hall when I was a kid, he was only 39. Left a wife and 2 kids. He was a great guy from all accounts. I last knew him when he was a teenager, never baptized, and yet they had announced his name as bad association. They don't do that any more.

    His mom still a loyal dub, but none of her 4 kids stayed JW. It was an unusual visitation complete with eulogies since there will be no public funeral. About 100 people were there. The event was very emotionally charged, I'm still drained.

  • hillbilly

    ahhh..just making a pun out of that old song... Cat Stevens (I think ?) did back in the 70s

    Life is fine.


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