What 1st made you come to JWD??

by karter 39 Replies latest jw experiences

  • nomoreguilt

    Was just Google Surfing and here I "AM".

    Just don't go off on me.


  • Hortensia

    I was looking for information about a television program - one of those daytime courtroom shows, involved a JW husband and wife trying to destroy their daughter's marriage - the daughter married to an unbeliever. Never found that, but came across this website and was immediately hooked.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I had already attended my last meeting in '05 and was curious what the apostates were saying. It was scary at first and I was worried about being found out. I was like a kid sneaking her first smoke or drink in the girls' room. I was floored by what I read. A lot of it made sense and I could identify with the stories of fake love shown in the khall and unjust DF'ings, and arrogant loveless power hungry elders and PO's. I felt a sense of kindered spirits here that existed at the khall only in the mag articles and pictures, but not in real life.

  • exwitless

    edited because I am really losing it here ...and convinced now that no one reads my posts as no one caught this.

    Tatiana - cheer up! I read your post and I did notice your little "oops". I should have told you right away - sorry! (It was kinda funny though)

  • RR

    Actually this site is an offshoot of the old Witnesses Online forum by Obed Fernandez. When things got out of hand and Obed began kicking everyone off, this forum and others that have come and gone were formed. So I've been here since "day one".


  • JH

    Someone pointed me to this place. I read for a month or so, then joined. It was the flip side I was looking for.

  • parakeet

    Until an incident that occurred two years ago, I had been a happy-go-lucky atheist, requiring substantial proof of things hoped for and solid evidence of things unseen.

    My parents are still JWs although my sibs and I have been out of the cult for 30 years. Because we faded rather than DFed or DAed, my parents still talked to us, usually avoiding any JW topics.

    About 2 years ago, my parents visited my older sister and her husband, and for some unknown horrible reason, my mother and sister got into it about JWs, the Bible, 1914, 1975, etc. My mother became nearly hysterical when she realized she couldn't persuade my sister to "come back to the truth," so my parents loaded up their car in the middle of the night and left (sis lives a 6-hour drive away). They have not spoken to my sister for two years and counting.

    After hearing about the blowup with my sister, I was concerned I might be next on the hit list. So I started surfing the web, gathering information about JWs and the Bible. After a search of several weeks, I came upon this site, and the rest is history.

    My mother never did challenge me about my beliefs, and I remain an atheist, but JWD was so interesting, I've been a fan ever since (except for occasional unprovoked and vicious anti-American tirades directed at American posters, who have done nothing to deserve them).

  • kurtbethel

    I have been studying with a JW for over a year and as part of my diligent examination of the religion, its background and history, I found freeminds, silentlambs, and many other sites, one of which led here.

    Just as I do not take any WT writing at face value, but compare against Bible sources, I also compare WT critics against what is actually published by the WT. I like to ask my study conductor some very interesting questions.

    I decided to take it to the next level and get involved in a message board. There are some very spirited people here with a sharp wit. More importantly, I have seen some very compassionate people who offer a hand to those who are in pain.

    Perhaps if the WT organization were doing that instead of spinning elaborate tales, this board might not even exist.

  • Shadow1

    Had been coming here as a guest, after my wife had told me she was going back to the Org. Stumbled onto the website while trying to educate myself about the Org. I am a UBM. My wife and I had only been married a year, when she sprung this on me. Needless to say, my life has changed quite dramatically.

    Thank you JWD...I'm learning a lot from all of you.


  • Billzfan23

    Google search for me...

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