Debunking the Reagan Myth

by nvrgnbk 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow

    Well, Burny the ships, if he is going to be credited for this, why not be credited for garnering in, and look up the definition if you don't know it already, that?

    He sold the rest of the world on the American Dream. (Whatever that is in your book)
    He garnered in shameless greed under the name of yuppy-ism.


  • frozen one
    frozen one

    Another thread about Reagan off all people. May as well have a thread about Chester Arthur.

    Pointing out a couple of things. Congress controls the purse not the President. Congress. Congress. Congress. That would be the House of Representatives and the Senate. Congress spends the money whether Congress has it or not.

    The real story concerning the escalation of the war on drugs during the 1980's is fascinating. Do a Google search of Tip O'Neill and Len Bias. That will take you back to the roots of the Narcotics Penalties and Enforcement Act. To jog a few memories, Tip O'Neill, from Boston, was Speaker of the House during most of the Reagan Administration and Len Bias was a basketball player who had signed with the Celtics. But enough about Reagan era politics.

    Getting back to Chester Arthur, did he suck or what? Don't even think about getting me started on Woodrow Wilson. He was really pathetic.

  • BurnTheShips

    Well, Burny the ships, if he is going to be credited for this, why not be credited for garnering in, and look up the definition if you don't know it already, that?

    He sold the rest of the world on the American Dream. (Whatever that is in your book)
    He garnered in shameless greed under the name of yuppy- ism.

    Wow, so there is a Reagan storehouse out there full of yuppies?

    Main Entry:
    gar·ner Listen to the pronunciation of garner
    \ ' gär-n?r\
    transitive verb
    Inflected Form(s):
    gar·nered ; gar·ner·ing Listen to the pronunciation of garnering \ ' gärn-ri?, ' gär-n?-\
    Middle English (Scots), from Middle English gerner, garner granary, from Anglo-French gerner, grenier, from Latin granarium, from granum grain — more at corn
    14th century
    1 a : to gather into storage b : to deposit as if in a granary <volumes in which he has garnered the fruits of his lifetime labors — Reinhold Niebuhr> 2 a : to acquire by effort : earn b : accumulatecollect
  • BurnTheShips


    If Jesse Helms liked Reagan, what of it? What does it prove? What does it demonstrate regarding the Reagan presidency?


  • FlyingHighNow
    Wow, so there is a Reagan storehouse out there full of yuppies?

    You are such a goof. Didn't you ever garner in the new year with your friends? Or hear of garnering in a new age or century? Or garner support? I guess not. By the way, you give the definition of the noun, not the verb. You do know about verbs?

    acquire or deserve by one's efforts or actions [syn: earn]
    2. store grain
    3. assemble or get together; "gather some stones"; "pull your thoughts together" [syn: gather] [ant: distribute]
    Roget's New Millennium™ Thesaurus - Cite This Source - Share This
    Main Entry: compile
    Part of Speech: verb
    Definition: assemble
    Synonyms: abridge, accumulate, amass, anthologize, arrange,assemble, bring together , collate, collect, colligate, collocate, compose, concentrate, congregate, consolidate, cull, draw together , edit, garner, gather, glean, group, heap up , marshal, muster, organize, put together , recapitulate, unite
  • BurnTheShips
    You are such a goof...By the way, you give the definition of the noun, not the verb. You do know about verbs?

    Duh, look at the def I posted. Transitive verb. Sheesh.


  • FlyingHighNow
    Wow, so there is a Reagan storehouse out there full of yuppies?

    Ahem, you are using the noun here, silly. I finally get it. You don't really believe Reagan was a great guy or prez: you are a jokester with a dark sense of humor. I am so relieved.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Oh hey, by the way, Burny, since you admit you know of the transitive verb property of the word garner, then why did you use the noun form? You are a hoot. A veritable riot. Really, I thank you for your humor.

    Wow, so there is a Reagan storehouse out there full of yuppies?
    Main Entry:
    gar·ner Listen to the pronunciation of garner
    \ ' gär-n?r\
    transitive verb
    Inflected Form(s):
    gar·nered ; gar·ner·ing Listen to the pronunciation of garnering \ ' gärn-ri?, ' gär-n?-\

  • BurnTheShips
    Oh hey, by the way, Burny, since you admit you know of the transitive verb property of the word garner, then why did you use the noun form? You are a hoot. A veritable riot. Really, I thank you for your humor.

    Aww jeez. Now you are just pissing me off. Where in the hell did I use the noun version of the word garner? You said Reagan "garnered in shameless greed under the name of yuppy-ism."

    Well hell if he was garnering greed, where in the blazes was he garnering it, in a fookin storehouse? Sarcasm, dig? To blame the presidency for whatever social trends were present during the 80s is to give him a lot more power than he had. That is the point

    Can a single man be blamed for the actions of society at large? Did Reagan act as a yuppie-booster? Did Reagan sign the Great Yuppie Act of 1982? Do you see what I am getting at?


  • BurnTheShips
    Are you (the country) better now than 8 years ago? If you say yes, you need to put some new batteries in your calculator and get better reading glasses.

    I sure am!

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