Does your pet do something funny?

by Hortensia 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH
  • liquidsky

    My parrotlet Wasabi makes kissy noises everytime my husband and I are hugging.

    He also likes to make the micowave 'beeping' noise when I walk into the kitchen.

    Another funny thing he does is he sticks his head down my shirt when I'm wearing a low-cut top. Don't ask....

  • UnConfused
  • Satanus


    You always know that a cat loves you, when it plants it's hind end firmly against you ;-)


  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    UnC!! Tsk tsk! Shorts on your bike??? That's just asking for road burn!!


  • UnConfused

    Only if I fall !

    (geez that really would suck wouldn't it? And how pissed do you think Patch would be?)

    But I did get Patch new goggles for this riding season, perhaps a helmet would be good too.

  • Lease

    These pet stories are wonderful.

    UnConfused, is that a blue sandle in the doggie carriage? Does your doggie take it with him on rides? I think your dog is adorable.

    One pet story: my nephew lived around a block and down a street from the elementary school. His dog would walk him to school. And when he got off school, the dog would be waiting for him to walk him back home.


  • oldflame

    Yes and I have been wanting answers to this.

    I have a soon to be 16 year old female cat. She is a Russian Blue. She has never had kittens and she sucks her nipples as if she was getting milk from them. She has a bag of skin under her belly but does not feel like it is full of milk. Has anyone ever heard of this before ? Is this a serious issue or should I just let it go, I mean she does this a lot and when she does it she purrs very loud so I know she enjoys it. In a way it is kind of funny but irritating at times too. Any answers ?

  • Hortensia

    the big bag of skin is due to weight gain - my elderly cat had that too. I don't think that's anything to worry about, although you might want to put your cat on a light senior cat food. As for sucking her nipples, cats do all sorts of disgusting things - it's better not to look.

  • Frequent_Fader_Miles

    I had once had a dog who apparently loved to take baths. Whenever she heard the hose being taken out, she'd suddenly appear out of nowhere .... waiting for her bath to begin. And she'd be looking at you like ... well, I'm here! What are you waiting on?

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