Does your pet do something funny?

by Hortensia 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • nomoreguilt

    My now departed orange tabby, he was 18, would go into womens purses and get into ment type gums they had. He'd pull it out and eat it.

    He was a truly Handsome person.....

    I miss him so..............................


  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Hortesnia that is just so cute! I wonder if it's some sort of mothering instinct? Like gathering her "kittens" up for bed or something. And the other kitty trying to "steal" the cord! lol

    Lisa - who knew a cat could smile! Precious!

    Noni - I only remember seeing Princess and Oliver, where were the other two?

    My dogs don't really do anything funny. Just typical doggie stuff, eat, sleep, fetch the ball, sniff. They do love to swim. Once we were out on the boat fishing, I was at one end hubby at the other, calm quiet day. All of a sudden we hear "Splash, Splash"! Both dogs had jumped out of the boat, swam to the little island not far away, had a bathroom break, picked up a stick and chased each other around. When they were done, swam back to the boat and had another nap! lol

    As for the pocket book, yeah they are literally draining it. My one dog has two different cancers in her mouth. We've done radiation on her, yesterday was her last treatment. Now it's just a waiting game. We have anywhere between 1-3 years with her. The cancers were caught really early, so that's a bonus. Most times with these cancers by the time the owners seek treatments there's not much that can be done and they have between 3-6 months. My other dog, had to take her to the vets yesterday too for xrays. Basically she blew her knee out. She'll eventually have to have surgery.


  • noni1974

    Kahsmire and Baby were hiding.Baby normaly loves people and likes to meet new people.I think it was a case of too many people at one time so he hid.Kashmire hids whenever anyone besides me is at the house.She doesn't like other people.

    Oliver was freaked out too.As you saw he tried to claw me and squirm away because he was affraid.Princess likes new people and was very friendly.You saw how huge she is.

    Give your doggies a kiss for me.Poor doggies.

  • ex-nj-jw

    My dog will stomp his foot at you. If he's barking to go out or wants to play and you ignore him, he takes his front paw and stomps it on the floor as a human would stomp their foot when angry. It's so funny to see him do this.

    He loves to sleep on his back with all four paws in the air and snores like a banshee!

    He patrols the yard for moles and when he finds them he plays with them, then brings them to us as presents. He even looks like he's smiling when he drops them at your feet all while wagging his tail. He seems to be say'n, look what I brought you!

    He found a toothpick once, he came strolling into the room where we were watching TV with the toothpick in his mouth. I wish I had taken a picture of it.


  • Satanus

    My cat doesn't like eating alone. Sometimes, she will sit there and meow at me to follow her to her room and accompany her, while she eats. She usually tries to herd me into her room when i walk down the hallway. Often, i will stand at the doorway until she starts eating, and then quietly move away. I used to tell her that i was going to get another kitty to keep her company. Didn't do it, though.


  • Mulan

    Our two cats (both deceased) used to play "kitty hockey" together on the kitchen floor while we were having the bookstudy in our family room downstairs. It was very loud and got everyone laughing, sounding like a thundering herd of animals.

    They would find a bottle cap or a small plastic toy and bat it back and forth all over the large floor area, until finally it would slide under the frig. Game over.

    The cat I had when I was growing up, would suck your ear lobe. She wasn't particular about whose earlobe either. Especially funny when we had friends over who thought she was such a sweet, affectionate cat, as she climbed up their chest approaching their ear. The look on their faces was priceless.

    We had another cat who did bird calls. She would sit on the window ledge, watching the birds, making bird sounds. Weird.

  • chickpea

    we have 2 shelter-rescued dogs.... one was taken off a local reservation, severely neglected and expected to die ( she is now 70 pounds and lively) the other one was pulled off the shoulder of a highway where she and her sister had been abandoned at 8 weeks ....

    anyway... the first one is infatuated with her braided knot rope toy and she can swing that thing like a weapon..... if she nails you... you KNOW you have been served.... and it is funny as long as it is someone else's knee (or worse if you are a guy)

    the other one (also in the 70 lb range) starts "talking" around chow time.... first just little rumbles, and progressively louder reminders to chow the hounds!! she also MOOOOs when she rolls over in her doze ..... we used to tell our son whose dog she is>>> time to milk your dog

  • Hortensia

    too funny! Animals are so great. But they are expensive - I remember when we were kids, animals got shots and got fixed and that was about it. They were on their own, except for mealtimes. Now it seems every pet I have costs me at least a thousand dollars. I always get rescue animals - why not? They are animals that need the help and all my cats have been especially sweet and good pets.

    my favorite cat sayings:
    Dogs have masters; cat have staff.
    Having a cat means never going to the bathroom alone.
    Dogs come when they are called; cats take a message and get back to you later.

  • Abandoned

    Gizmo sometimes forgets that he's almost fifteen years old and starts zipping from one end of our trailer to the other at break-neck speed. It's hilarious to watch. I think it might be related to the case of kitty Alzheimer's I suspect he has. I suspect he has it because whenever we have dinner, even though I'm the only one in the family who refused to feed him at the table, he always comes begging to me first.

    And when he's on your lap and you stop petting him, he ever so gently raises his paw and taps you on the chin to remind you that your job of petting isn't quite over.

  • flipper

    I had a cat that pissed in my crotch as I lay sleeping at 3:00 A.M. in the morning one time years ago. Although I hurled him off the bed like a missile- it did make me laugh - later

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