What smells or tastes gross you out the most?

by hillbilly 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • ohiocowboy

    Beer and eggs, I can see your point, but the reaction of beer and Pickled eggs will peel the paint off of walls!


  • unique1

    I can't stand the smell of seafood.

  • liquidsky

    Pork.. I hate the smell and the taste.

  • hillbilly

    I like pork....suprising ...the smells created when rendering a hog are horrific.

    Chitlins' are bad news too.... I dont know how anyone could smell guts cooking and eat them afterwards.


  • snowbird

    Chitlins' are bad news too.... I dont know how anyone could smell guts cooking and eat them afterwards.


    What'cha talkin' bout, Hill? I can't stand the smell, either.

    Now, pig tails ... that's some serious good eating. Stew them down in the trinity - bell peppers, celery, green onions - put them into the oven and brown them just a little. Ummmm. Delicious!


  • avishai

    that burnt popcorn smell you get when you burn it in the microwave. Blecchhh. Rotten seafood, hate that too. Other than that, I have a strong stomach, worked in group homes so long almost nothing grosses me out.

  • hillbilly

    hey sis.... ya know "soul food" should really be 'po folks food. White folks gotta eat too.


  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    worst smells I have ever encountered

    rotting animal carcass

    natural gas leak outside my house


    bathroom after my husband or son

  • snowbird

    hey sis.... ya know "soul food" should really be 'po folks food. White folks gotta eat too.


    LOL. Tell me about it!


  • sweetstuff

    Blood and javex, gut wrenching!! No, I didn't commit homicide people, I worked in a hospital and when cleaning up blood spills you use javex, yup, gross!

    Worse however, is the smell of the burn unit, the cream they apply to a burn victim's body combined with the burn itself, is extremely hard to bear. (That is probably the worse sight and smell I have encountered to date, I still get chills thinking of those patients and how much they suffered.)

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