Three years on JWD. What I have learned.

by wanderlustguy 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • wanderlustguy

    It's almost impossible for anything someone does to be about anything except them...not necessarily bad, but true.

    We can ONLY truly see things from OUR point of view...period.

    Being broke is better when you are with friends.

    There are real people here. Know that at all times.

    Sometimes you have to be there for someone when it isn't it anyway.

    Frostbite hurts...bad.

    Pay attention at all times...this thing (life) moves really fast and a little screw up can turn into the mother of all clusterf*cks in a split second.

    I don't know sh*t.


  • dawg

    Hey, wonder... I don't know shit either... but I do want to see Billy the Kid's Grave.... do you live near there?

  • wanderlustguy
    Hey, wonder... I don't know shit either... but I do want to see Billy the Kid's Grave.... do you live near there?

    It's about 2 hours away from here.

  • Scully
  • FlyingHighNow

    That I am your favorite poster?

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee
    I don't know sh*t.

    Don't know that I agree with that statement. I've seen you give some pretty damned good advice to people here.



    You are a gem WLG, truly. How is your friend littleman? Did you get to see him?

  • Sparkplug

    WLG~ You OK buddy? I know for a fact that you know lots of sh*t! What gives? I thought I was the bad 'yang' today.

  • Tatiana

    Yeah......11 minutes ago my time it was still your birthday. Are you okay?

  • Mastodon

    I guess it's been a tough week for a bunch of us. Hopefully it will get better and soon.

    The weather here is deppresing and no magic herbs to take a trip and leave all the shit behind for awhile. But that too can change.

    WLG, if it makes you feel any better, I tried the spakling thing, it's starting to flake...

    And don't worry, at the end of the day, none of us know shit!

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