Thomas Paine "Age of Reason"

by BurnTheShips 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    The suggestion was made, to journey - on, who had posted on the topic BY ME.

    After that other posts were made ON TOPIC.

    That's when you decided to start a new thread, you couldn't stand that it was turning into what it should have been to begin with. One poster even said that it shouldn't be started over.

    You made it sound like it was requested of you when you started this thread. I don't care whether people post on this or not.

    I'm just calling you out because:


  • BurnTheShips

    I'm just calling you out because:


    Precisely where and how?

    Thanks for the BTT.


  • Hortensia

    oh pooh on the name calling. BTS, you said this:

    "BTS: Essentially, TP asserts that God absolutely has the power to communicate with us. What TP evidently does not believe is that God ever has. Accounts of such communication are hearsay, fantastical, and not to be believed. This is as if to say that I have never seen an elephant, and that such an amazing apparition is only to be believed from first experience. If I were, for example, to experience an elephant directly the experience would be a revelation to me and to me alone (this concept exists in Christian thought and is called Private Revelation, as such it is not considered to be binding on others). If I were to tell so-and-so he would not be obliged to believe me. What I would be telling so-and-so about my revelation would be hearsay. However, this idea could also infect other aspects of our existence as the elephant example illustrates. TP notes that religion is mainly hearsay. People do choose to believe hearsay, and therefore have faith in the people or objects spreading that hearsay For most things in our lives we do not have the ability to verify all statements made by others. This requires us to take on faith things that we could not otherwise verify . We are choosing on our own. I can not measure the speed of light. I have never met Socrates."

    This is what occurred to me, reading your comments. I agree that religion is hearsay. The thing is, you might not be able to measure the speed of light, but someone can, and it has been measured. You might tell someone about an elephant and he may or may not believe you, but in fact you can go find an elephant and touch it to assure yourself it exists. Socrates is hearsay, there's a written record, but who knows if it is true. The concept of god is not measurable - can't find god, can't speak to god, no evidence that such a critter exists. You have to take it totally on faith, which simply means choosing to believe in something for which there is no evidence.

    So, while I really admire Paine's brilliance, and his writing, I can't come to the same conclusion that there is a god or that there is any other life than this one we have now. It would be nice, but no evidence for it exists except for what people say they feel in their hearts.

  • BurnTheShips


    I can't say I disagree with you. It is a matter of faith. Where I might disagree is whether faith is incompatible with reason. TP himself had faith of certain things, and he penned this piece "Age of Reason". He believes in the thing itself, it is the appendages that he believes are not credible.



  • LouBelle

    okay after seeing where the other topic went ... I hope this doesn't got the same way... I stumbled across the one Farkel set up, albeit a little late, but have printed out 72 A4 pages and will get to reading tonight.

  • R.Crusoe

    This guy Paine makes a lot of sense IMO

  • quietlyleaving

    A&W is right - you have your own agenda and are misusing Paine's material.

  • BurnTheShips
    A&W is right - you have your own agenda and are misusing Paine's material.

    That is your opinion. You say I have an agenda. What is yours?

    I am giving my opinion on the material if you think I am misusing the material please demonstrate how. Thank you, Burn
  • quietlyleaving


    It is a matter of faith. Where I might disagree is whether faith is incompatible with reason.

    You are making this a discussion regarding faith. Thomas Paine, as you imply yourself, felt that faith is imcompatible with reason.

    You are being intellectually dishonest by starting a thread about Paine and the age of reason (he would turn in his grave if knew what you are doing) - Hillary-step was right about you. Farkel was right you are a TWIT.

  • BurnTheShips


    You are making this a discussion regarding faith. Thomas Paine, as you imply yourself, felt that faith is imcompatible with reason.

    He makes a Profession of Faith at the beginning of the piece. "I believe in one God, and no more; and I hope for happiness beyond this life."

    Some will refer to TPs upbringing as a Quaker and his historical context-all valid points. I am dealing with the piece as it is.

    You are being intellectually dishonest by starting a thread about Paine and the age of reason

    How? Look at the OP and thread title. It is about Thomas Paine's work the "Age of Reason". I quote myself in the OP:

    I am currently beginning to read Age of Reason, and will return to it from time to time as time itself allows. I hope to be able to have some comments, and I look forward to a civil discussion on the subject here.


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