Why is infant Mortality in US worse than Morocco or Costa Rica?

by hamsterbait 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    "We aren't the best? Thanks for destroying another ideal Six."

    Says the girl who bailed the country :P~ Happy new year Dianne' a' Ross :)

    "I don't really see the need to compare to other countries so I won't address that."

    I think such comparison are good for Americans to make for two reasons: A) as an inducement for good natured competition, ie. a race for the top, as opposed to a race for the bottom, and B) to pick and choose good ideas to borrow and make our own.

  • Locutus of Borg
    Locutus of Borg

    Oh Great, another "Bash America" thread.

    I have worked in many foriegn countries, many of them in the third world.

    When you step off a plane and the first thing that hits you is the smell of open sewers and rotting flesh you realize that . . .

    The US isn't so bad.

  • chickpea

    a HORRIFIC statistic is a caesarian rate of 31.1% in the US ( 2006 CDC)

    Bottom line: Cesarean carries twice the risk of injury and death for both mother and baby. Women with cesarean experience double the rate of hysterectomy, blood transfusion, admission to intensive care, prolonged hospital stay and death, compared to mother who delivered vaginally. Babies born by cesarean were 45 percent more likely to be in the neonatal intensive care unit for 7 days and 41-82 percent more likely to die than babies born vaginally (Maternal and neonatal individual risks and benefits associated with caesarean delivery: multicentre prospective study; Villar, et al., British Medical Journal, 2007;335:1025, 17 November)

    then there is a lack of access to affordable healthcare..... what DOES it cost to have a baby in the US via the ob/gyn + hospital delivery route?

    save hospital beds for sick people!! have a homebirth and support your local midwife!

    ( mother to 4 homebirthed babies)

  • jaguarbass

    The Bush Dolts want to make Amerika a third world country.

    "Mission almost acomplished"

  • beksbks

    Haven't researched, but possibly the fact that the working poor avoid doctors until absolutely necessary?

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Good call bebshk

    Poor, young, and black are the least likely to seek and receive preventative prenatal care, that could spot and address potential problems early.

    The other reason is many more premies being counted in statistics as was mentioned earlier.


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo
    I don't really see the need to compare to other countries so I won't address that. What I do know is the we have crappy health care, to many underage mothers and a society which instills no personal accountability for any of our actions. That IMO contributes to the infant mortality in the US. What do do about it? Education, better health care and people having to take responsiblity for their own actions. Not likely to happen though. Not soon anyway.

    Xena, the scenario you described in the US is exactly how it is over here too - apart maybe from the crappy health care...

  • bisous

    Why is questioning a widely reported statistic considered "bashing America". Seems instead like good fodder for discussion and uncovering of contributing factors or anything that might be misleading.

  • WTWizard

    Yes, I am going to bash the crap out of our medical system. According to FDA law, only a drug can cure, prevent, or treat a disease. That means natural cures are dissuaded. Children get vaccinated with vaccines that create more problems than they solve or prevent, often major problems like autism in exchange for something like chicken pox.

    Our FDA and the big drug companies have us virtually locked in the 1950s. Has anyone else noticed that cancer cure rates haven't gone up since 1950? And heart disease has not been defeated--nor diabetes? All they do is give those people drugs that manage the disease, trying to not cure it (if the disease is cured, the drug company loses that customer). And, has anyone ever noticed that children are being drugged to death these days? If it isn't some new disease like ADD, it is asthma or ear infections that seem to be ever more common (likely because the immune system isn't getting to fight off real diseases due to the vaccinations).

    Now, I will bash the food companies. Mothers eat for two during pregnancy. And, when you look at some of the ingredients on foods, it is enough to wonder why the mortality rate isn't even higher. You will see things like monosodium glutamate, hydrolyzed protein, various soy protein products (often extracted with hexane, a relative of gasoline), sodium benzoate, high fructose corn syrup, sucralose (which can ruin the liver), aspartame, Neotame, partially hydrolyzed soy and corn oil, rape oil (which is what I call canola oil, after finding that it has more trans fats and very little Omega 3's), and bromated flour (all bleached flour has bromate to bleach it, which ruins the liver).

    With all those ingredients, developing babies do not have much chance of escaping getting poisoned. Worse, when the mothers eat those foods during their own development, they are ruining their own reproductive system. Each generation that eats this deficient, poison food will have more infant mortality than the previous generation. Costa Rica and Morocco lack all the processed, deficient food that we have in this country. Hence, even with the infections and the lack of critical care, babies born in those countries do not have the poisons that we have in this country. Fewer drugs, fewer food additives that poison the body, and fewer multiple generation poisonings/deficiencies mean fewer babies getting sick and dying of natural causes.

    The solution: Abolish the FDA. Also, abolish laws that make it difficult for food companies to start up. The dishonest ones will quickly get a bad reputation, because people will notice that they are getting sick when eating their products even though they have clean labels. Good companies that persist in putting out healthy food and medicine that cures instead of manages will become the next generation of big companies, and will be forced to continue providing premium products under threat of getting put out of business by another startup. Better food and better medication (natural as well as allopathic) means lower infant mortality.

  • BurnTheShips
    Now, I will bash the food companies. Mothers eat for two during pregnancy.

    Yes indeed. We tried to go all organic during our pregnancy. There is so much artificial crap in our environment. I really believe it is messing up human biology. Here in Florida there are male alligators being born without sexual equipment in some areas because of some of the stuff in the environment.

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