Active JW's Who Question The UN/WTBTS...

by zev 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fredhall

    Are you inviting me to your house Zev?

  • Fredhall

    Don't be an ass Hawkaw,

    People get persecuted because of their own conscience. That is if YOU have a conscience.

  • zev

    i niether care for your smart @$$ remarks, nor will i tolerate you.
    this thread was posing an important question. if you have and important answer, your welcome.

    but seeeing as how your not, and always badgering poster on this board, i sugest you steer clear of me.

    you do not know who i am. you do not know what i am capable of.
    and the tools and resources i have at my diposal.

    in short, don't mess with me.

    you'll rue the day.

    -The "Truth" is out there! TRUST NO ONE!

  • hawkaw

    Nice try Fred but you forget that the GB practiced non-neutrality all the while these nasty things have or are presently happening to the Witnesses.

    You have not done anything to stop it have you Fred? Have you even told these people in jail about what the GB did? Well, Have you? Naw. You don't know them so why would you care. Right Fred?

    Go look in the mirror Fred. Go now and think about those people in jail not knowing what the GB did when it came to non-neutrality. Imagine if it was you Fred.

    Go look at your mother right now Fred. Just imagine if she went through that torture in Malawi and got raped. And you saw the rape of your mother in live three dimensional colour. Come on Fred look at your mom tonight, think that rape thought and ask yourself how you would feel knowing what you now know about the political partnership between the UN and the WTS.

    But hey Fred, you are far removed from those worlds - so in your mind you don't care - they are only expendable Witnesses right - hey thats what your mind says - who cares let them rot in jail, get murdered or raped while the GB joins up for a measly library card.

    It must be pretty cool to have a heart like your's, Fred, and not worrying about other Witnesses who have been abused for neutrality and supporting their GB's doctrine.


  • Fredhall

    Nobody asked to get raped Hawkaw. They got raped because they have a conscience. And if you don't believe me, then ask them.

    Zev- Oh, Meow Meow

  • hawkaw


  • hawkaw

    Keep trying Fred. If someone in Witness land had told them that the Governing Body was practicing non-neutrality, what would have happened?

    Like the PR spokesperson has stated it wasn't a secret? Why hasn't someone told those Witnesses in jail right now?

    Go look in the mirror Fred and go look at your mom and imagine. Imagine what those wise old men in Brooklyn have done and how they could not sacrifice their neutrality for what they consider a measly ID card. But Witnesses like your mom could sacrifice their lives and mental states for these old men.

    I'm impressed you are so cold that you could let your mom get raped all the while the old men she looks up too as the FDS don't need to have to worry about the same doctrine that they teach to your mom.


  • Fredhall


    I don't follow man. I follow my own conscience.

  • zev

    hey hawk.....

    hows things?

    -The "Truth" is out there! TRUST NO ONE!

  • hawkaw

    Hi Zev,

    They are going okay. I hope you get a few letters (unsigned of course) over this issue.

    I'm still working with the press and with a little luck we might get another article later this week or next.

    You take care big guy.


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