How many Memorials have you attended and missed?

by JH 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    I have been to about 18 of those wastefests. Starting in 2006, I blew them all off. In fact, that was the year I bought a Ouija board in lieu of going.

  • LouBelle

    I haven't been to one since I left. Well I didn't go to the last one when I was in 'cos I knew I was on my way out, including this years' one will be 4. Initially I felt really bad about this but when I was at another church we had a 'memorial' or sorts on christmas day and I partook.

  • Superfine Apostate
    Superfine Apostate

    havent missed one. this year might be the first time, depening on my wife. she does not want to go to meetings anymore, but missing a memorial is something bigger... if we go, we'll be sitting in the second room and leave before anyone could talk to us.

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