New case in France

by chasson 49 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Narkissos
  • Bryan

    Thanks Charles & Narc...

    My nephew is a linguist and perhaps was trying to disect the text, i.e. the rape inside the Hall. He has fallen in love with Russian, perfect with English and speaks Italian very well.

    He is currently writing his thiesist and desires to a professor of Russian Literature.

    Sorry OT.



  • Sunspot

    I was catching up on back email and I came across this article that was sent.

    How terribly sad and tragic to hear about.....on all counts. Let's hope that justice will be swift in dealing with those who caused her pain.

  • mouthy

    Nothing new about these horrible crimes. In every country it seems to be happening.Makes the heart sick doesnt it?

  • chasson

    The french's Bethel has made a public declaration concerning the child abuse issue on January 18, 2008



  • chasson

    And now a TV Show on the issue on a national TV ( "Le suicide qui accuse. En mars 2006, à l'âge de trente ans, Joëlle s'est donné la mort. Pour en finir, elle a choisi un petit coin de campagne vosgienne, le lieu où elle disait avoir subi son premier viol alors qu'elle n'avait 11 ans. D'autres auraient suivi, tous les dimanches, pendant trois ans. Joëlle accusait un homme, comme elle et comme sa famille, membre des témoins de Jéhovah. Personne ne l'a cru. Personne n'a dénoncé ces agressions peut-être pour protéger la réputation de la communauté, même sa propre mère a gardé le silence..., un silence insoutenable qui a amené Joëlle au suicide, vingt ans plus tard." Bye Charles

  • Nick!

    I am sorry if in the last several weeks I have been absent from this discussion forum.
    In fact I am very engaged in other foreign language forums, and only dedicate some time to this English based forum.

    I am following up this case on a French and an Italian forum, and wanted to see if anyone had pointed out the case in this forum and found this discussion.

    Having gone through the different posts, I see that there is still some confusion about the case and as I am based in Europe and know the some of the local languages, let me try to offer my assistance here.

    First of all, the main French TV Channel TF1 has finally covered the case lengthily, last Sunday.
    For those of you who can understand French, here is a link to the actual TV transmission:,,3696484,00-tf1-video-sept-huit-suicide-qui-accuse-.html

    In essence, it is confirmed that the young woman was abused regularly practically every week when aged between 10 to 13 years, by a JW of her congregation every Sunday morning during the door-to-door service.
    She committed suicide in March of last year, 20 years after the facts, one month after she had denounced the crime to the local police.
    Years earlier she had reported the case to the local body of elders, who didn’t act, as the pedophile did not confess his crime.
    After years of medical care, depression, and suicide attempts, she finally succeeded in taking her life away!

    This is in a nutshell the story.

    I am not going to translate the whole video, but point to two different aspects, both showing the level of concern this Organization has for the victims:

    1. The mother (herself a witness) reaction.
    As the media suggested that the abuse occurred in the Kingdom Hall, and that even the suicide occurred in the same Hall, the mother shouts loud her disappointment at these “errors” of the press, which bring a dark shadow on the Organization

    2. The elder’s wife reaction.
    When the reporter asks the elder why they did not take any action after the young woman reported the case to them, instead of him replying, his wife repeats from behind “we couldn’t do anything, as she did not provide the TWO witness the Bible requires”.

    How sad that on top of the cruelty of the abuse victims have to submit to this inhumane treatments from those who are supposed to be their “shepherds” who take them to the waters of life, whereas in this case, the same took her to the door of her death, after having suffered for long 20 years, leaving behind her innocent offspring.


  • jambon1

    This case is terrible.

  • Shawn10538

    If this is from AP, then there should be an English version. I'm going to look for it. I'll post it if I find it.

  • AudeSapere

    Somehow I've missed this.

    (marking to read later)


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