Did any of you ex JW's lead a double life? Any good stories?

by isnrblog 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • dinah

    Growing up in this crap doesnt give you much of a choice about leading a double life. Somehow I kinda tried to walk a tightrope. I would go out and do things that would be improper, then my conscience would whoop me. But, the girl they knew at the Kingdom Hall was NOT ME. It was part of me, but just the parts of me that would be considered "proper".

    I've always been big-hearted and compassionate, but just wanted to have some fun. Of course, you are very confined as to what that fun can be when you are a Witness.

  • freedomfighter

    How the F*#k can i compete with that! I agree with dawg.

    My double life was Smoking with a "worldly" friend at 12yrs of age up in a treehouse in his backyard. Right at that moment, we could see the witnesses walking past the road. My Dad was ( Still is an Elder ) and Mum was/is a religious fanatic. I would have been hangin' by my nuts if i was caught!

    As i got older it was more drinking and nightclubbing. Me and my mates were a tight group of surfers and what happened with us, stayed in the group. As mates we always backed each other. Girls, drinking, pot, beach camps etc.

    These memories are my fondest.

    Have one regret. When i was in high school i was asked out by a hot and horny girl and i said no.( I was going through a spiritual stage!)

    Damn. Wish i could go back to that day.


  • LoverOfTruth

    I Never Led a Double LIfe when I was a JW. I didn't agree with some of their regulations but I was open about it and lived my life accordingly.

  • isnrblog

    I am not a big lady killer, believe me. I was 17, working out, had a hard young body and obviously this Elders wife was not being "taken care of" at home.

    I was somewhat lucky with the ladies. I had a paper route and had "incidents" with two of my lady customers at 16. One lived two doors down from my Grandmother.

    I got stupid and had a JW relapse and married a sister who was hot when we got married but two kids and 7 years later, making love was like riding a beachball. I still had a 33 inch waist. We divorced and quite a while later I was DF'd for apostacy. I have since remarried. I never cheated when I was married but in between, well lets just say there are alot of lonely ladies out there. Witnesses included.

    No insult to ladies with my "beachball" comments. A lot of guys "pork out" too.

    Fred www.isnrblog.com

  • darkuncle29

    I had worldly friends, but we were nerds so we were actually pretty good kids. I do wish that I'd been able to live a DL by exploring sex somewhat.

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