Did any of you ex JW's lead a double life? Any good stories?

by isnrblog 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • isnrblog

    I did when I was a teenager. I was a good little Witness on the outside but a pot smoking, girl chasing, booze swilling....normal teenager.

    Funny story. I was 17 and this Elders wife started a study with a lady in our neighborhood. It was in the afternoon during the week. The lady did not want the sister to come to her house as her husband objected to the Witnesses, so the Elders wife asked if they could meet in our house. My parents said OK, so every wednesday, at 2:00, the two would meet. All of my family was in school and/or working so the house was generally empty.

    One Wednesday, I can home at about 2:00 and the Elders wife was sitting at the dining room table, waiting for the lady. She said the lady hadn't shown up yet. I went about my business and shortly jumped in the shower. All of a sudden, Mrs Elder is in the shower with me, naked.

    For the next two months, I made sure I was home at 2:00 on Wed. I was 17 and she was 31. She was hot and a wildcat!! Anyway at some point her conscience got the best of her and she confessed. My dad was an elder, and he was pissed. There was a big Elders meeting with me and my parents, her and her Mr. Elder and a committee of three Elders. It was a hoot.

    Everyone seemed to be screaming at me, when I pointed out that I was 17, jail bait and she was guilty of statutory rape.

    The room got real quiet. The elders asked me and my parents to step outside. Then one came out and said we could go and they would get back with us.

    No one ever said another word about it. No one was disfellowshipped and the Wildcat and Mr. Elders soon moved to parts unknown.

    Of course, word spread among the Witness kids and I was "the man" for a while.

    I know you guys have some funny stuff. Give it up!!!

    Fred www.isnrblog.com

  • dawg

    Dude, before I started reading this, I thought it was two girls.. I was getting horney as hell...LOL! You were banging an Elder's wife at 17, hell no I don't have nothing to compare to that... damn!

  • isnrblog

    Dawg, she was hot!! I didn't know a woman could get in that many positions.

    It kinda spoiled me. I peaked a little to young. It was a long time before I got any that good again!

  • nomoreguilt

    "Ask me no questions and I will tell you no lies. " "Tell me no secrets, but tell me some lies."

    In my former life, as a jw??? I was a miserable man. You want a secret life?? A DOUBLE LIFE?? I wrote the book, but I am not so proud of it. Neither will I devulge the extent to which I damaged my god given conscience. It was ,however ,only after I left the jw, and my divorce, that I realized all of this. I did alot of soul searching and self healing. I Began a program to BUILD my character. Shift, I never even knew what that was! I did know that "I" was A CHARACTER!!!..Hey! Everyone I knew, always said ,"NMG, He's quite the CHARACTER". PROUD of my secret sins??......... no..........PROUD of my double life?.............NOT! However, I remain and have.........................................................


  • nomoreguilt

    Wait........Do you really want to know something? I am too old for this crap. All I am asking of any of you................Just have a LITTLE pride, alright?


  • parakeet

    Here's a good story. My parents started dragging me to meetings when I was 12. Fourteen years later, I woke up, got out of the cult, and started living.

    Best story in the world.

  • Anti-Christ

    Dude, if I was not raised a JW I would have a hard time believing you. I know a lot of crazy stories like yours. I think it's worst in the JWs because of all the repression. You can't fart with out somebody "stumbling". I know of so many sad and funny stories. I had to live a "double" life to be able to stay sane. I smoked pot for a wile but only when I was in my twenties. Never slept with an elders wife. I was a very shy teen so no sex for me until I was married. The only time I got in "trouble" I actually did noting wrong. I was out all night driving with a friend. we wanted to see the sun rise and we just talked. I had a JC just for that!!! it was my dad who call the elders he did not believe me when I told what I did all night.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I had a relationship with the "bad boy" of the cong. When my parents found out they hit the roof. It was very exciting sneaking around behind everyone's backs. Eventually the pressure got too much and we ended it.

  • isnrblog

    Ya gotta laugh or you will go crazy.

    You got busted for nothing while people get away with all kinds of stuff.

    In the 90's there was this really hot little blue eyed blond, who screwed around on 3 differant husbands, divorced them and never got DF'd once! After the 2nd time we were taking bets. She was married and divorced 3 times before she was 30.

    I heard about a month ago that she divorced number 4 and still is not DF'd. Same MO, whe screwed around.

    There's not enough time to tell all the BS I have personally seen and/or caused.

    Fred www.isnrblog.com

  • B_Deserter

    When I was 14 I started dating a worldly girl. Unfortunately for me, she was a prude. Wouldn't even open her mouth when kissing me. I admit I wasn't the greatest, but she wouldn't even give me a proper kiss! I wouldn't have slobbered or anything. It went nowhere.

    Anyway, I wasn't smooth with the ladies (I'm still not, in fact), and I was a known tattletale. All the "bad" kids in the hall were careful not to include me in their "funner" activities. I remained blissfully ignorant. When I got older I had a couple female friends who I would have banged in a heartbeat if I had the opportunity, but it never came.

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