Hi all just a question

by wannaknow 11 Replies latest social family

  • wannaknow

    Hi all

    could someone please tell me what do jehovahs witnesses think of disabled people?

    someone told me they have a attitude like "if it isnt perfect then god does,nt love it"

    could someone please tell me if that is true?

    Thanks wannaknow :0)

  • Mincan

    That's not true. Witnesses in my experience are just as caring, if not moreso, than average. They see something that Jehovah will cure in the New Order (TM), and seeing these people reaffirms their belief system.

  • freetosee

    jws believe disabled people will be healed in paradise...

    the Old Testament has some regulations regarding sick and disabled, you may want to check those.


  • mentalclearness

    I think you've been seriously misinformed. JW's see the disabled as people who will recieve a cure in paradise for whatever ails them. Unfortunately this makes themm an all too easy target.
  • Nosferatu

    Usually, they enjoy preying on the disabled since they'll be healed in Paradise Erf.

    But there is somewhat of an exception. People who are mentally retarded technically cannot get baptized because they can't comprehend what is required of them to please God, let along give a presentation in the door to door work.

  • OnTheWayOut

    We have to separate the feeling deep inside the person from the
    person manipulated by the mind-control cult.

    Many wonderful JW's care deeply about disabled and the sick.
    The problem is that they are told that the most important work in the
    whole wide world is selling Watchtower literature to save the everlasting
    lives of others. They don't get to count the time helping the needy
    and the disabled in "this system of things." They think they are serving
    a higher purpose by selling more books and magazines.

    They think the disabled will be cared for by Jehovah, or that He will
    resurrect them to healthy life in the new system. If someone realized
    that selling Watchtowers was not a higher purpose, he might take the
    time to help others in "this" system of things. But first, he needs to
    stop worrying about counting his time.

    The organization, though. It's true. They couldn't care less about anyone
    that might not be able to sell lots of books and magazines, nor would be
    distracting other magazine sellers from the real work of selling.

  • megaflower

    In my experience they are not good to the disabled. I have a disabled son and they were unkind. They (including elders) would look down on his inability to attend many meetings and his limitations in field service. If there was a congretation gathering he was not invited which made him feelterrible as well as me. I did go to the elders about it and the basic response was he is a hinderance to the others. They would plan trips to 6 flags(amusement park) and they said my son would slow them down and they wanted to ride as many rides as possibel. How do you tell a 15 year old that you are not wanted?

  • BFD

    megaflower, pardon my french but that is just fucking cruel!


  • wannaknow

    Hi all

    Thanks for all your replys i am sorry if some ppl felt my question was rude its just that i have a 6 year old son with Autism and he has a carer at school who i have heard is Jehovah Witness her attitude toward him stinks she is very rude she drops comments about him "being a problem" and when i mentioned it to somebody else it was then i was told they view the disabled as "a waste of time" i am still a bit confused because i got mixed answers but i guess it is kind of one of them questions that there is for and against if you like thanks again ppl

    Be happy Wannaknow :0)

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    I think it is important to distinguish official policy from the way people act.

    JW attitude toward the disabled in print is impecabbly politically correct. However, in real life, they are just like real people everywhere. Some are so kind and helpful they would make you cry, others are assholes and couldn't care less. Sorry that your son's care aid is the latter.


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