That's It, I'm Talking Right Now, seriously, I'm on my cell phone right now

by cognac 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognac

    I'm on the phone with her right now... She's telling me all the stuff she couldn't before...

    Wow, she actually told the Elders all of her doubts and questions... Basically everything she had a problem with.

    I'm shocked the she didn't get a JC.

    I'll update in a few...

  • journey-on

    It's not over till the fat lady sings!

    But....journey on.

  • dawg

    Hell the elders all know too Cognac, they know its all shit... maybe they are about to walk with the both of you, and take their famlies too... Thank God!

  • momzcrazy

    My sister and I did the same thing. We still can't believe that we decided to leave at the same time, without each other knowing we even were having doubts. You are a regular fire ball!!! I like your spunk! momz

  • AnnOMaly

    Last month this was his service time: 0

    What did he put in? 25 hours... 25!!!

    1/2 the time when we do work out in service together he comes up with all these errands to do during service... (He loves only working with me...)

    We always just say we have plans together...

    Oh man, bells and whistles are going off all over the place about him! LOL. You guys never work with anyone else? He's not really a Bible student? Even though he's hardly ever seen at the arrangements he puts in 25 hours? You two will be exiting together. I don't see him putting up a fight about it. He's on your page!

  • brinjen

    Cognac, that is fantastic news!

  • cognac

    We might visit a borne again church together...

  • journey-on
    We might visit a borne again church together...

    LOL.....this is a joke, isn't it?

  • momzcrazy

    Jump in with both feet, why doncha???


  • Vivamus
    We might visit a borne again church together...

    Cool, it could be your second thing you did that was forbidden (the first coming here).

    Just dont jump from one religion, into another - without taking time to breathe and examine.

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