Jehovah Witness and honesty

by megaflower 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • megaflower

    I spent 20 long years in the society. The one thing they pounded into your head esp at convention time is honesty. Jehovah's people are the most honest in all the earth. Ex. found a wallet with a large sum of money, a years salary for this poor publisher yet they sought out the owner and returned it. This ex was in an awake from last year. I have just resently left the organization and Iam sorting so many things out. I have been told most of my life that you cannot trust the wordlings. My question is, Is there much honesty out there? Is this something unique to the organization?

  • journey-on

    I always thought the same thing, megaflower. I was so surprised to find that "out there" in the world are some of the

    most honest, caring, generous, and loving people you can find. JWs have nothing on them where real honesty is concerned.

  • ferret

    Any honest person would do the same thing, believe me there are millions of them out there in Satan's world. I deal with them everyday.

  • momzcrazy

    I was surrounded by both worlds for a while before I left. I have found you need to be careful who you trust in both. Some Witnesses will stab you in the back just as quick as a worldly person. But I am able to be more honest about myself and what I do and say in the world. I don't have to look over my shoulder or whisper hoping the wrong person won't hear. If they don't like me or what I say and do I don't care. There are also MANY good people out here in the "scary world" as my mom puts it. Out of the many people I have befriended in the world, only 2 have really let me down by being untruthful.


  • NeonMadman

    If you think Witnesses are the most honest people in the world, the next time one comes to the door, ask them one of these questions:

    Do you believe that everyone who isn't part of your religion will be destroyed by God?

    Would you allow your child to die because of refusing a blood transfusion?

    Has your organization ever predicted dates for the end of the world?

    For what reasons do you disfellowship people from your organization?

    Does your organization have policies that protect pedophiles?

    Is it true your organization was affiliated with the UN for several years?

    Then see how honest the answers you get are.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    As employees I had more trouble with JW's than non-JW's in regards to honesty.

  • blueviceroy


  • cognac

    In the last 6 months about 5 people (all JWs) have totally screwed my husband and I out of money... Our own fault, we trusted people that I guess we should not have...

    At a ton of the convention parts there are lectures on making sure to have a contract when doing business with other witnesses... I wonder why???

  • megaflower

    To all of you, thankyou for your responses and imput. I appreciate it very much. It helps so much to see what others have and are going through and the experiences they have. Thank you.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    While the WTS loudly proclaims that JWs are honest, at the same time they are taught to practice spiritual warfare - lie if it supports the WTS' view of the world. JWs are taught to:

    • lie to the person at the door who asks if they are there to try to convert them.
    • lie to the public about the practice of shunning
    • lie about the incidence of sexual abuse of children in the congregations
    • lie in courtrooms so that the WTS is put in the best light possible which includes
      • teaching children to lie in courtrooms after they have promised to tell the truth
      • both Russell and Rutherford as well as other members of the GB lying about their credentials and their actions
    • lie to the media including lies of ommission

    And should we also mention the other lies they tell to their own members:

    • we never said that the end would come in 1975 or 1975 or 1914, or 1915, or 1925 or....... It was just the eagerness of a few that took things too far.
      • and after the fact they managed to convince every JW who lived impatiently for the end to occur that they were responsible for the erroneou belief
    • they are the sole representative of God on earth today
    • they can be trusted simply because they tell you they can be trusted - so don't go asking questions or else. . .
    • JWs are the happiest people on earth . . . despite the evidence that many JWs suffer from stress-related illnesses

    All this lying and yet they claim to be honest as a group.

    Individually . . . you take your chances

    Personally I think I would prefer taking a chance on a non-JW. At least they haven't been trained to lie not only to others but to themselves.

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