Just supposing I was thinking of emigrating to Australia..

by katiekitten 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • katiekitten

    .. What advice would you give me?

    Anyone who lives in Australia - is there a need for secondary school mathematics teachers? What general advice would you give about location / quality of life / anything else at all you think I should know.

    Anyone who has ever emigrated anywhere - any advice at all about anything to do with moving ?

    I must stress im just thinking about it in the very loosest 'is it even wildly possible' sort of terms. The biggest problem would be whether my 10 year old daughters father could prevent her from going (in which case we would leave it until she was 16 or 18). Oh and of course the fact that it takes a HUGE amount of nuts to move to another country! But id like to dip my toe and see Maybe its just new year fantasy stuff...

    I know I have enough points to get in (120) and also I have an Australian birth certificate (but a British passport). Im not sure if that would help me or not.

  • brinjen

    I'll have a look around and dig up some info for you. As far as I know, having an Australian birth certificate means you are an Australian citizen. They passed a law a few years ago that allows for dual citizenship...

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk
    and also I have an Australian birth certificate

    I would think that should clinch it KK?

    I had the chance to move there 5 years ago..gonna go to my grave regretting the fact i didnt!Lol....bloody girlfriend ;)

    Ive got no good advice (sorry)but i just know that sometimes living in the UK doesnt really fill one with much optimism for the future.

    You go Girl,its a beautiful Land with a bright future.

  • barry

    I know a lot of pommys here and they love it here. Most I talk too wouldnt think of going back even with man eating sharks crokodiles ans poisonous snakes not to mention poisonous spiders. .

  • brinjen

    Oh come on Barry, our politicians aren't that bad!

  • sweet pea
    sweet pea

    Hi KK

    I'd say Go For It! Follow your dreams - what's the worst that can happen? You don't like and come back but you've had a great experience.

    We're moving to California in the next couple of months for a couple of years, maybe more. I'm excited and anxious at the same time but I know it's going to be fab and if it's not, well we'll be coming back at the end of the contract, if it is then who knows maybe we'll stay forever or jet off to New Zealand where all Besty's relatives have moved to (the non-JW ones that still talk to us that is...).

    The world's your oyster darling.

    Sam :-)

  • jwfacts

    It seems quite easy for a UK resident to move, there are a lot already here, and several just moved over in my company.

    Getting a job should be easy too, as there is a shortage of workers, including teachers.

  • katiekitten
    I'll have a look around and dig up some info for you

    Thats really kind of you Brinjen. Thank you. PLEASE dont waste too much time on it though, I must stress this is only a very little mental dabble, not a fully formed plan. Its just that it seems like im in a good position to do it, and it would be criminal not to at least investigate the possibility.

  • brinjen

    A quick google is showing positions for secondary maths teachers particularly in Perth, Darwin, Adelaide & Brisbane in particular. I know Northern Territory has just changed the schooling structure with an introduction to 'middle year' schooling (years 7-10) which has created a demand for more teachers here in Darwin.

    I also know lots of British tourists and emigrants, work with a few actually. I'd (of course) recommend if you're thinking of coming to Australia, then see the real Oz and come to Darwin. Beautiful weather, plenty of work, the odd chance to get blown away in a cyclone. What more could you ask for?

  • brinjen

    Probably the best way to find out the info is to have a look here:

    http://www.immi.gov.au - Australian Dept of Immigration.

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