Ex wife is getting remarried at the end of the month

by Billzfan23 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billzfan23
    Wouldn't both she and her beau get into trouble over that? They were "courting" while she was still "not scripturally free to remarry".

    She called me after the meeting, frantic about how the "brothers" had talked to her about not being scripturally free - she was calling to ask me to contact them and let them know that she really was free... So I did her a huge favor, I called the PO and the Secretary and let them both know that she is scripturally free and asked them to leave her alone with their cult bullshit...I am sure that they loved the idea that she ran to me just minutes after they talked to her.. but she didn't know I was literally going to call them that night.. kind of funny now looking back... I am a nice guy.. but I have no idea how I scare the hell out of the dubs like I do...smile...

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