MINCAN needs some LOVE and SUPPORT

by AWAKE&WATCHING 79 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mincan

    Uzzah, you're a great guy too! It's always nice to see you when our paths cross - twice now.

    Thank you Maddie

    Flippers! - I love you guys!

    Abandoned, now why would I go and post a picture of myself on here? Thanks man.

  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    Glad things went well for you today.

    I've been on Remeron. It is incredibly sedating at lower doses and bumps up your appetite more than even the worse pot munchies. Stock up on carbs, you'll crave them like you've never craved anything before. Have fun.

    :) tall penguin

  • Mincan

    ... I hate carbs... I like fat.


    Good night Min!

  • Mincan

    Which dose were you on Tall? I know 7.5 is considered a low dose that will be incredibly sedating, 15mg is considered the starting dose, starting not to be as sedating. Why did you go off of it Tall? Side effects not agreeable? He put me on 30mg a day though... so I doubt its going to be sedating, but probably will seem so anyway because I'm often anxious. It reaches peak plasma concentrations within 2 hours, its bioavailability is 50%, its half life is 26 hours (so there will never be any not in system) and it reaches saturated plasma baseline levels within 5 days aparently. Its been half an hour and I am feeling a bit ... not sedated but calm already, kind of like I drank a stiff sip of wine or something. I know I'm a fast metaboliser of meds though, Ritalin showed me that.

    Edit: wow okay I'm feeling it, I'm feeling kind of dopey.

    Im going for a jump in the hot tub, see you all later.

    G'nite A&W

  • JK666


    I am glad that things went so well for you at the appointment today!

    I think that the meds that he has you on now might be a good combination for you. Give them a chance to work.

    We luv ya, bro!


  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    Don't worry, you'll crave just about anything, fat included. I was on 15 mg to help me sleep. Took one last night actually and was dead as a stone for 12 hours straight. Works almost too well. But now I'm up and all I can think about is eating everything in my fridge. Yum! I find it only sedates though for about the first week, after which it peters out like most other drugs I've taken.

    I'd be curious to hear how you do on 30 mg. Keep us posted.

    tall penguin


    Hey Min- how are you feeling today?

  • Mincan

    Well I never made it to the hottub lol, within 40 minutes of taking it I was out like a light!

    I slept until 1:30pm today! The last couple months I sleep maybe 7 or 8 hours a night, but Im never tired, I jump out of bed and then early in the morning collapse back into it. I would have probably slept all day but I was forced to get out of bed to get everyone here some food. So if I went to bed at 10:30pm and got up at 1:30pm that's 15 hours of sleep! I slept through 90km/h winds last night, my grandma was so scared of them she was crying and was going to wake me up, I slept like the dead, and had all sorts of weird and disturbing dreams, fun though, not nightmares, but like freaky movies.

    I notice it changes the way the Ritalin is working a little.

    I'm fine I guess... it will take a few weeks apparently before anything other than sedation I notice on this med will not be placebo.


    Good afternoon Min! I'm glad you got some sleep, you needed it badly. Poor Grandma, those are some powerful winds.

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