And When I Die...

by Farkel 47 Replies latest jw experiences

  • UnConfused

    See how easy it is kids?

  • LouBelle

    I'm not worried about death at all - I'm not worried that people will forget me when I'm gone, I have no legacy to leave behind - and that is cool.

    But I'm here now and that's a good thing

  • wednesday

    I had a near death experience and indeed i did see the white light and saw myself lying in the bed below. Also some people believe you can visit the Akashic records, ie , collective unconsciousness (Jung), book of life, etc. I believe i have done this. It was an incredible experience and one i journaled so I'd never forget it. It was a huge hall of records with bookshelves that ascended to the sky, no end in sight.

    you do tend to think about death more as you approach 50 or realize the jws were lying to you. I know a very intelligent person who will not allow cremation due to the fear of the unknown- we really don't know do we? he said. he also fears being put in a casket due to claustrophobia.

    I knew nothing before i was born, if that is how death is, well, it is not painful. the people who scare me are the ones that say you will upon dying not necessarily go to heaven or hell. maybe you will be in purgatory. There you will repent or go to hell or some say you will go through the "left door" which will send yo back to earth to try again. also, reliving all you sins, how dreadful. most of us know wherein we have sinned-who needs to see it again? but this seems to be an almost universal teaching that you will see your sins and be given a chance to repent.

    i hope there is an afterlife. I want to be able to look in on my family.

    I don't think it is important which religion or spirituality one accepts , as long as they don't advocate you killing others or teach kindness. . at death and you awaken in a spirit world, are you really going to say 'damn Mormons, go it right".


    Interesting post.

    For me: my body parts (if they haven't been mangled, burned or obliterated) hopefully can be used for someone else. Yes private parts too!

    Yup, donate the physical body parts and any internal organs and tissue (yes, I signed my donor card).

    Before I was born: no consciousness whatsoever.

    My mortality does come into my mind. My only personal hope: to finish things I want to do before I croak.

    After all this, is probably just like before any of this. Which is the same.

    I am in the in-between part.

  • wednesday

    I found this link to have some good information. I do not think all of it is right, but then again- who really knows.

    There are some who feel that dying is much like being born.. You really (as far as we know) have no choice where or to whom you are born. Your life is almost sealed sometimes by the geographic area you are born in and the social class your parents are from. There are no guarantees at birth-you could be born to drug addicts who beat and torture you. You could end up a drugged out homeless person - or you could be born to middle class educated persons who treasure you and make sure you have a good start in life. It could be the luck of the draw.

    So when you die what if is more or less the same.? There are those who believe that the afterlife has different "levels" and zones. you could awaken in a good area where you have friends or you could awaken in a deserted area and be alone. Your afterlife could come with no guarantees just as your earthly life. Luck of the draw, the cards you drew, as they say. You could say that you are guaranteed an afterlife but just like being born in a physical life, there are no guarantees at all. you just get an afterlife.

    I am open and willing to look at different ideas now, b/c for sure I know jws did not have the truth. maybe there is no truth. maybe it all has merit and God is happy if we just are spiritual and loving people. .

    I don't totally discount the Bibles version of afterlife. th only problem I have is the hell part. I refuse to believe any kind of God would torture people like that. what happens to those who really never as they say 'accept Christ" when they die? do they go straight tot hell or are they given a chance to repent or go to hell? and what if acceptance of Christ is not what it is all about? after all, there are many religions in the world and many people are spiritual without ever accepting Christ. Are they all going to hell?

    the first Christan person i recall talking with was in grade school. she asked if what religion i was an trying to avoid confrontation i said "Christian". she very nastily said' well first you must learn how to spell it" . she left a foul taste in my mouth for so called Christin's. it is still there.

  • Warlock
    Re: And When I Die...

    .................I'll be f***king DEAD.


  • Farkel


    : See how easy it is kids?

    Easy being what? To show the cyber world that you cannot answer a simple question? That you can only hurl insults and when challenged, come up with your statement that starts at the top of this thread?

    I've been debating morons for years, unconfused, but I've never met someone quite like you. Most morons at least try to present an argument, and don't brag when they present nothing.

    You are unique, and there is not a word to describe you. (I don't know of any). I would not flatter you by calling you the word "moron", because simply stated, you are not worthy of being called a moron. You have to work you way up the ladder before being worthy of what word means. You need remedial education, that is WHAT YOU NEED! Special education. With education and help you just might move up a dozen notches and be PROUD after you get there, if someone rightfully calls you a "moron." You might even get a diploma, too.


  • wednesday

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