Unexplained Mormon "miracles"...Unexplained JW "miracles"

by FormerMormon 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • mentalclearness

    Oh yeah ..I heard about the the two sisters going to the door of the bad man. But in my case I heard he was a rapist..LOL

  • loosie

    my mother told me about a woman trying to get magazines into the sunday meeting in Germany while they were banned. well the woman hid the magazines under the mattress in the baby carriage. well the german guard that stopped her suspected her and searched the baby and blankets. He thought the lady was trying to pull a fast one on him. So he checked the baby diaper. this guard had a very poor sense of smell ( of course God's doing) But he didn't realize that the lady was is such a hurry to get to the all important meeting that she left her child sitting in a dirty diaper. he stuck his hand into the diaper and pulled out his hand covered in poo. and swore in german "Ach nine" and he let the lady pass. and therefore she smuggled the magazines into the meeting. Albeit a bit smelly but at least they had the magazines to read.

    What a load of crap literaly

  • loosie

    ok someone explain Jesus Jammies to me? please

  • Qcmbr
  • FormerMormon


    Jesus Jammies was a term I first heard while on a mission in Virginia. It is a slang term for Mormon garments or protective underwear that Mormons get the first time they go thru the temple. They are expected to wear it the remainder of their days. Some General Authorities were known to preach a bit over the top concerning the NEED TO ALWAYS WEAR YOUR GARMENTS. Some (hopefully few) go so far as to sponge bath under their garments, replacing them one piece at a time when changing. Other, (also hopefully few) will wear them as best they can- even during intercourse.

  • KW13

    Let me share the story of someone who was in jonestown

    this is an excerpt anyway..

    There were more people than usual at the Sunday service, and forsome reason the church members hadn't brought enough food to feedeveryone. It became apparent that the last fifty people in lineweren't going to get any meat. Jim announced, "Even though thereisn't enough food to feed this multitude, I am blessing the food thatwe have and multiplying it just as Jesus did in biblical times."

    Sure enough, a few minutes after he made this startlingannouncement, Eva Pugh came out of the kitchen beaming, carrying twoplatters filled with fried chicken. A big cheer came from the peopleassembled in the room, especially from the people who were at the endof the line.

    The "blessed chicken" was extraordinarily delicious, and severalof the people mentioned that Jim had produced the best-tastingchicken they had ever eaten. [Mills, 1979.]

    and a tiny bit further we read

    One of the men, Chuck Beikman... jokingly mentioned to a fewpeople standing near him that he had seen Eva drive up a few momentsearlier with buckets from the Kentucky Fried Chicken stand. He smiledas he said, "The person that blessed this chicken was ColonelSanders."

    During the evening meeting Jim mentioned the fact that Chuck hadmade fun of his gift. "He lied to some of the members here, tellingthem that the chicken had come from a local shop," Jim stormed. "Butthe Spirit of Justice has prevailed. Because of his lie Chuck is inthe men's room right now, wishing that he was dead. He is vomitingand has diarrhea so bad he cant talk!"

    An hour later a pale and shaken Chuck Beikman walked out of themen's room and up to the front, being supported by one of the guards.Jim asked him, "Do you have anything you'd like to say?"

    Chuck looked up weakly and answered, "Jim, I apologize for what Isaid. Please forgive me."

    As we looked at Chuck, we vowed in our hearts that we would neverquestion any of Jim's "miracles"at least not out loud. Years later,we learned that Jim had put a mild poison in a piece of cake andgiven it to Chuck. [Mills, 1979.]

    taken from


  • ramtrucker

    This "miracle" isn't either JW, or Mormon based, it comes from an autobiography written by my wife's great-grandfather. I believe he was Presbyterian, but not sure. I do know that he professed to be a Christian. He fought in the Civil War on the Union side and was captured and imprisoned at Andersonville. I'm sure most of us have heard or read of the atrocities at that prison. Men were dying everyday of various diseases from the terrible living conditions they were forced to live in, including filthy drinking water contaminated by human waste. I've looked this story up on the internet, and have found that some feel it's untrue. However, because my wife's ancestor wrote about it close to one hundred years ago, long before the internet, I have to feel it has some merit as being a true story, or miracle if one chooses to believe in miracles. Anyway, as I mentioned, many of the men in the camp were sick and dying from the horrors of having to drink contaminated water. A group of men got together and held a prayer meeting, praying to God for help and deliverance from the water. If I remember the story correctly, the next day, a Sunday, a fresh spring opened up in the camp, from which poured pure, clean drinking water. The men incarcerated there felt it was a blessing from God in answer to their prayers. It might have been chance, or it might have been a miracle. I choose to believe it was a miracle. As such, it would show that God does answer prayers that are offered up to him through his Son, Jesus Christ. And that you don't need to be a JW or Mormon to be blessed. I realize here, that there are going to be those who will ask, "but why doesn't God answer other prayers, offered up through his son"? I cannot answer that question.

  • oldflame

    You know how to tell the difference from a cult and a christian ? Either of the two mormons and JW's can really prove their beginnings and a christians alway relies on the bible and faith nothing more. Cult members do not rely on faith but on what their leaders say instead of Gods spirit doing the leading.

  • oldflame

    Besides these things you all are talking about happens to everybody not just Morons & Jahoobers !

  • FormerMormon

    I sure hope so.

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