Unexplained Mormon "miracles"...Unexplained JW "miracles"

by FormerMormon 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ayla

    What a great thread!

    AmberRose - I burst out laughing at your post! To think we belonged to a religion SO BORING that to use the description vanilla would be far too tasty, bold and sassy a word to compare is absolutely hilarious! I love vanilla and find it special. I'd agree, JW tastes like typing paper ... cardboard .... or maybe a dose of Epsom Salts. Not sure, but vanilla is way way too sassy!

    FormerMormon - first, GREAT NAME! Reminds me of that [adult swim] show called Morel Orel. I'd agree with all of you that the Mormon inexplicable miracles are far better than JWs. Actually, do JWs have a lot of miracle stories? Just goes to show you how me sitting in the hall dreaming of becoming "That Girl" left me clueless I guess. I thought JWs too bland to indulge something as fanciful as miracles! I would think that the expression of miracles would get one called up on the Elder Carpet. Well - tell me more! I'd love to hear more "miracles."

    I don't know, FormerMormon, but I think your taunt of "my cult has more unexplainable stories than your cult" wins.

  • worldtraveller

    The fact that anyone would be a Mormon is a miracle in itself. I watched the episode of Southpark that explained just how the Mormon thing came to be. Truly bizarre and hokey too.

  • Ayla

    Let's see, a person called "world traveler" takes his cues from southpark instead of say, the show Big Love? Big Love ROCKS. What a great concept as a show. Well written, well acted and just awesome for anybody on the outskirts of real life.

  • free2beme

    Miracles can happen in all religions if your tape in to the proper power source. Mircles know no religious boundries.

  • Elsewhere

    I once saw a man cut a woman in half and then put her back together again on stage!!!

  • neverendingjourney

    I had been keeping this story to myself for fear of being “outed,” but I don’t really care anymore. It’s not so much a miracle story as one of those can’t-be-just-a-coincidence types of experiences that solidifies one’s faith in God.

    I began to embrace JWism as a teenager. During that time, I was a 100% devout believer. I had taken up a part-time job after school since our family was fairly poor. However, I made sure that the job in no way interfered with meeting attendance. I honestly felt it was a sin to miss meetings because of a job. The circuit overseer visit was coming up, and because several congregations shared the same kingdom hall and the circuit overseer’s personal preferences, the meeting dates were always changed during his visits. Therefore, there were no meetings on the evenings when I was off and I had to work during the evenings in which the meetings had been moved to in order to accommodate his visit. What was I to do?

    The job was tied into a high school program and quitting the job would result in being held back a grade. But if I went to work and missed a circuit overseer visit, I would be sinning against Jehovah God himself. I went to work that day dejected but feeling that somehow Jehovah would make things right. After all, Jesus said that we could move mountains if we had enough faith. Well, as hard as it might be to believe, there was an electrical fire that day that caused all of the power to go off in the building where I worked. We had to close down early, and I was home in time to shower up and arrive at the kingdom hall with plenty of time to spare. After the first semester, I was able to get special permission to leave the program because of religious reasons so this problem didn't happen again during his next visit six months later.

    I wasn’t baptized yet, and this was the only palpable experience I ever had that made me feel that Jehovah was actually real. I can’t explain it. I can only conclude that it was simply an unfortunate coincidence that led me further down the path of becoming a baptized Jehovah’s Witness. Plenty of people of different faiths have had similar experiences and they can’t all be motivated by God. I often wonder if other ex-JWs had similar experiences that seemed to validate their faith in God.

  • Aphrodite

    There was always this thing about pioneers and shoes. Miraculously shoes would arrive just when a pioneer needed them. I remember when I pioneered thinking, gosh (actually not gosh because that was a kind of blasphemy) I really could do with a new pair of shoes. No shoes ever came my way. I wonder if that was because the holy spirit knew I was going to become a 'postate?

  • Quandry

    Joseph's Myth and Breed'em Young

    Formermormon-I just had to tell you how much I have been laughing at this. Are these names commonly used by Mormons to get laughs or would they not dare?

    Also, are the "protective underwear" likened to the "spiritual suit of armor?" Why are they worn?

  • FormerMormon


    I like "Bring'em Young" too. These "terms of endearment" are used by post mormons. You would hardly hear them in an LDS setting. When we get our jesus jammies, we are told that if we live worthy and do not defile our "garments" that they would be a shield and a protection to us. Of course, we hear of the person in a car crash who was burned everywhere except where the garments were. I think examples of this happen in at least 75% of our stakes. We hear other stories of being physically saved by wearing garments... holy armor of sorts. When someone IS shot and killed wearing garments, that provides fodder for mormon rumor mills... he/she must not have been worthy. Either that or "it must be god's will that he/she dies now." This way the "story" holds if one is "saved" or dies.

    We are also taught that they are a spiritual defense. This I believe. While I have never had sex with anyone but my wife, I could see some garment wearing member stripping down with a hooker, seeing/feeling his garments and getting an overwhelming pangs of guilt. If this didn't do it, the prostitute would be so freaked by this whacko and his weird, unflattering undies that she'll bolt for the door while the gittin is good.

  • mentalclearness

    I think the hokier stories come from my neck of the woods. And Africa. Basically they consist of calamities befalling everyone except the JW's. As in this one story told from the platform of a bus with JW's going to an assembly. A huge rock fell on top of it and killed all the Worldlys but the Jw's came out unharmed. I believe there are many stories about run ins with terrorists, guerillas, and the usual delincuents where the witnesses have come out unscathed thanks to their neutrality...

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