JW.. a Broke A$$ Loving People.

by Confucious 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • 5thGeneration

    I have a family member who had a talk at a Circuit Ass and was LITERALLY physically pinned against the wall back stage before his talk and told: "Don't think your family money will get you into the new system!"

  • Must obey!
    Must obey!

    Good point about the good samaritan Confucious. Never thought of it like that. And along the same lines, the scriptures say that money can be like a protective wall, and that a person who does not look after his own properly is worse than a person without much. And there is the principle that Paul established that those with a surplus should be willing to share it with the needy. And Paul also worked and said he did not want to be a burden on others, financially. Some good principles come out there.

    So yes the bible does encourage economic self sufficiency, as you note.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    My dad worked for Northrop in a very high paying position, the elders told him to quit his job and apply as a school janitor, or parks department, he didn't so they DF'd him.

  • tula

    The JWs with money aplenty will tell you that "money is for a protection" . (It's another loaded phrase and I hear that quoted like a chant.)

    They are given sanction for their riches because the borg hits on them to help buy property for future KH and to pay the KH bills.

    There is a different agenda toward those who have money.

    And if they are walking some fine line or someone finds fault with them, they are "courted" instead of being interrogated...and certain things are "suggested" to them. In other words they can use some of those riches to make the hounds back off...if you get my drift.

  • atypical

    I think that in general it is seen as more "righteous" to be poor in witness culture. However, imo, the most important thing to witnesses is conformity - I know of rich congregations where a poor person would never fit in, and many poor congregations where a rich person would be resented. I used to go to a poor congregation; one family actually ate pigeons. In that hall, I was considered rich. :0

  • Confucious

    Thanks Must,

    And great posts. Great discussions.

    I was also told to quit my profession.

    And I do admire people who quit jobs to make things simpler.

    But when I was Pioneering... if my parents got sick - I could not take care of them.

    I have a sister who is a doctor and is not in the borg.

    I would have to depend on my sister who is a doctor to take care of them.

    And if I the responsibility fell upon me, I could not help.


  • momzcrazy

    In my previous hall there was one wealthy couple. They paid off the hall's mortgage. Anonymously, of course.

    In the hall I DA'd from, we were among the few with large homes. At our last Sunday meeting I was berated by an elder for having such a large house. Of course, he also commented on how he told a young sister to NOT go to college. There was also a remark about having too much insurance made during the WT study.


  • llbh

    We live in nice neighbourhood and reasonable sized house, and we love it.

    Our kids love the space and the area. My wife who is a JW gets a lot of stick when out in the fs, about being people where we live being materialistic. . I do not give a fig, i worked very hard for me and my family to live here, Its paid for aa well. Much better than living on council estate where most of the JW's live.

    regards llbh

  • momzcrazy

    I feel the same way. I told the nosy elder, "We love our home, it's just perfect for us". My husband works ALOT to pay for it, and I work to keep it up. If we are willing to do this, what do they care? I knew an elder on public assistance who pioneered and worked part time, cleaning, of course. All in that house could work, but chose to be burdens on the state.


  • VoidEater

    In my experience, the wealthiest were in positions of power (elders) and "most" were jealous, envious, and brown-nosing.

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