Current & Former Elders- Will You Help Witnesses - Get Out of the Cult ?

by flipper 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abandoned

    Mr. Flipper, what do you think of this?

  • flipper

    By GRACE- Hey, thanks for the quotes from that book! It sounds just like what the witnesses do: spiritual abuse ! The Watchtower society uses scare tactics also telling their members if they leave the religion, evil, bad things will happen to them . If anything, most people have better lives after leaving a " mind control cult", because they have their freedom back ! Interesting stuff ! Thanks, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • flipper

    ABANDONED- Hey guy- that was great ! Good poetry I might add! It is true, when the witnesses come , we know they are there to convert us, if they say anything else, it's certainly disingenuous

  • llbh

    Hey Mr Flipper i was a MS to for about 7 8 years and pioneered for 8 years. I was told by an elder i was not elder material because i might say what i think and question them lol!

    Happy New year llbh

  • flipper

    LLBH- LOL! Boy, can I relate to that statement by you. I too was told that I needed to bend more to be appointed an elder ! I voiced my opinions too on things and would get looks and stares like , " shut your pie hole, Mr. Flipper"! So, I was content to do what I did. I never wanted the elder responsibility anyway. I did not want to know every ones problems and sit in judgement of my former brothers and sisters. No thanks

  • sammielee24
    He has helped people exit cults by successfully connecting with a cult members core identity, or personality that the person had before they joined thecult. It inevitably is what will help a person walk away from a cult on their own decision and freedom of choice with intervention by a cult exit counselor- but without aggressive coercion.

    How can this be achieved for those born into and raised in a cult? The growth of a child includes being able to reason - and that ability is usually formed somewhere around the ages of 9-12. Inside a cult, a child is stripped of their ability to reason by strict obedience, guilt and fear. A child in this situation also is more likely to have lower self esteem, lack social normalities and have no understanding on how to engage as a person active in the 'world'. Most adult witnesses who are lifers, often go through lengthy phases of confusion as they struggle to understand their own personality, their likes and dislikes - basically who they are. Thinking out loud...sammieswife.

  • truthsetsonefree

    I am available to a degree, have helped one or two out. I hope to use my knowledge and experience more in the future to help those who desire to exit this cult.

    Isaac Carmignani

  • flipper

    SAMMIELEE 24- Sammies wife- Thanks for the reply ! Well in answer to your question , if one has been raised in the cult , it's true they don't have as many varying " worldly " experiences to go on , but according to the book I'm reading it is the positive non-cult experiences which will help a person exit in time. Sharing happy memories of any experience which was shared in a non-witness setting with close family or friends will help bring back the non-cult personality , or the original personality one was born with . So , Sammies wife , think of experiences which have been shared with the person you are trying to help- what positive experiences have happened outside the cult ? Vacations, recreation, golfing, camping, Disneyland, anything which will make that person think positive, " outside the cult box" so to speak to bring back a non-cult personality . Peace. Good luck.

    TRUTHSETSONEFREE- Hey Isaac, good to hear from you ! So glad to hear you've been able to help ones out of the cult too! Keep the good work up man ! I'm going to try to get my daughters out this next year: It will be my project for the year

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Hey Mr. Flipper,

    Thanks for the post. I can confirm that this technique is effective!

    As you know I am a current elder, working under cover to jolt as many minds as I can in to freedom. I am happy to say that it is the most satisfying project I have ever worked on. My primary targets include my family, and close friends, but I continue to work at helping strangers trapped in the JW cult through anonymous emails and letters.

    Also through teaching parts at the meetings and even at assemblies, elders can mention things that can subtly plant seeds of doubts.

    I find emphasizing ridiculous teachings to draw attention to them can work well. For example the extermination and slaughter of over 6 billion by a loving God.

    The Oracle

  • flipper

    ORACLE- Hey, good to hear from you bud ! Glad to hear you are doing your best as an undercover agent for true freedom and real righteousness bro ! Keep the double agent work up ! Right on! Glad to hear it is working ! Keep it up guy ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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