Elders want me to come back

by freedomfighter 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedomfighter

    Had a serious talk with my JW wife 2 nights ago. Told her i would not be coming back into "The Truth" . She was rocked and asked why. I said i have found many pieces to a puzzle and they have come together to give me the reality that "The Truth" is not so. ( I didn't say it exactly like that ). She said what have you found? And i said if i tell u then i may break your faith and i would be labelled an "Apostate". Which would put even more strain on our marriage. "So no it is something you will find out in due time. When and if you're ready."

    She came back from the meeting the next day and had spoken to the PO about my "secret beliefs".

    She said" the Elders are willing to arrange a one-of meeting with you to help you with your doubts." I said thanks but no thanks!

    I get the gut feeling that they need to know what information is out here so that they can organise a defence and a line of "Scriptural Reasoning" to thwart this, before things turn ugly in Australia. I'm not giving them a chance to have the upperhand. They want to help me > BullSh*t. I've had enough of their kind of help. They can stick their help where the sun don't shine!

    Peace out


  • R.F.

    To admit even that much to your wife had to be a task in itself. I don't know how the elders in your area are but it seems that with BOEs overall in general are quick to come around when it comes to wanting to control your thoughts, not when there are ones that really seek them out for help in some way.

    Great for you for turning down their "help".

  • aquagirl

    FF,i cannot imagine how difficult it must be to have a jw partner.it must be very very hard..she sorta has to has split loyalties,cause the dubs want jah first.that would never work w/me..I need to be first.not some amorphous entity..i wish you much luck,but it seems like you have already taken the first step to clearing out the cobwebs...thats great!..you know,sometimes marriages end.and it turns out to be the best thing for everyone...but sometimes you can work it out..i hope you can work yours out,but jah is a powerful suitor...

  • Save My Soul
    Save My Soul

    I had this meeting months ago. My goal going in was not to get DF. Why should I??? I have invested my entire life to this MOVEMENT, why give it up??? I do not want my wife and children to be ostracized at the hall, so I bit my tongue.

    Although now, a witness that is now home schooled, teased my son at the meeting about playing sports for Her FORMER HS. She left the school because of her unclean desire to have several forms of sex with other 9th graders. Now, she is Ms. JW???

    Nevertheless, he is armed with ammunition at the next meeting.

    College is more important than the TMS or FS. Sports and clubs help in college admissions.

  • hillbilly

    They want to conduct your exit interveiw.

    Now that your wife went and explained your "secrets" to the elders and you really dont care to meet get set for the next step.

    If shes hard core ...soon enough she will get a sanctioned divorce for your spiritual endangerment by you and your apostate posture.

    Let's just say I got the T-shirt and let it go at that.

    Happy roller-costering!


  • changeling

    Good for you for not meeting with them!


  • zamora251978

    I would ignore them for a while. If your out your out. That's that.


  • worldtraveller

    Tell her and them, that Jesus is the reason for the season. I told my former JW bud that I can only believe what is in the bible. I have yet to see anything about the Watchtower in the bible. Just Jesus.

  • sass_my_frass

    Hang in there bro.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Make sure you tell her, that now there will be a witch hunt for you. If you prepare her, and tell her what will happen, with just asking questions, that they can't answer, maybe that may be a way to open her eyes. Of course, right now, she would not ever dream of the organization tossing you out on your tush, just for asking a question.

    Prove it to her. Have her with you, every step of the way.

    Sorry that you have fallen into the trap. Hope you escape, with your wife, children, loved ones, and other things, intact. Damn those old farts in Brooklyn. They know they are fake!!!!!!

    Are they the JW mafia????? That's what they are!!!! Don't agree, they wipe you out.

    We should start calling them the GB Mafia.

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